“Conflict is not usually borne out of malice, but of a difference of opinions. How do we hold one another in the light amidst the discomfort and then move forward after the turbulence?"
1 John 4: 7-12
Rev. Jesse Larson
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
Sunday Service - August 16, 2020
“We shouldn't just sit back and wait for things to happen. Rather, we are the change agents that the Holy Spirit works through to build the Kingdom of God here on earth.”
Luke 19: 1-20
Rev. Jesse Larson
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
Sunday Service - August 9, 2020
“Life at its very core is all about change and recovery … and persistence and patience.”
Mark 4: 30-32
Rev. Jesse Larson
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
Sunday Service - August 2, 2020
“When we put love and trust and faith into our acts—no matter the size—they are blessed by God and send out far-reaching ripples into the world.”
Mark 12: 41-44
Rev. Jesse Larson
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
Sunday Service - July 26, 2020
“When hatred is met with grace, the results are often amazing."
John 8: 1-11
Rev. Jesse Larson
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
Sunday Service - July 19, 2020
“Christ continues to be the anchor in any and all storms.”
Matthew 8: 18-27
Rev. Jesse Larson
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
Sunday Service - July 12, 2020
“The Kingdom" is ours to strive for … and to live in now thanks to God's grace.”
Psalm 84 & excerpts from the Gospel of Matthew
Rev. Judy Davis
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
Sunday Service - July 5, 2020
“Freedom and the sacrifices it can require … including our individual efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19.”
Rev. Judy Davis
Galatians 5: 1-15.
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
Sunday Service - June 28, 2020
“Every generation fears that we facing pending doom. There are no sure things and no way to prevent storms, but when we cling to Christ … our faith offers a powerful hope that will see us through.”
Matthew 7: 24-27
Rev. Jesse Larson
First “in-person” worship service held since start of COVID-19 quarantine
Sunday Service - June 21, 2020
“The more we understand about one another, the more we value one another's gifts and perspectives.”
1 Corinthians 12: 4-13
Rev. Jesse Larson
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
Sunday Service - June 14, 2020
“We need to understand the extreme anxiety and sense of hopelessness that can preoccupy people . . . and realize that we should not be afraid to look back on mistakes we and our ancestors have made, lament them and work to correct them.”
Lamentations 5: 1-22
Rev. Jesse Larson
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
Sunday Service - June 7, 2020
“in times of crisis—particularly in light of ongoing racial injustice and community response—we must have the courage to hear each other … to really listen … and to honor each other’s intentions.”
Ephesians 4: 1-16
Rev. Jesse Larson
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
Sunday Service - May 31, 2020 - Pentecost Sunday
“The ‘great wind’ that caused excitement in early Christians’ lives is just as powerful today … when we allow it to direct and guide us.”
Acts 2: 1-13
Rev. Jesse Larson
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
Sunday Service - May 24, 2020
“Different forms’witnessing’ can take, including offering hope to one another.”
Luke 24: 44-53
Rev. Jesse Larson
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
Sunday Service - May 17, 2020
“Ultimately, God will bring us through to the other side” of this time of uncertainty, stress and disappointment due to the coronavirus crisis.”
Psalm 66: 8-20
Rev. Jesse Larson
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
Sunday Service - May 10, 2020
"We are the church. Christ is the cornerstone and we disciples are the living stones who gather around him to form the house of God."
1 Peter 2: 2-10
Rev. Jesse Larson
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
Sunday Service - May 3, 2020
“How ‘church’ has changed throughout not just the centuries but within the past decades … and even more so since the recent COVID-19 quarantine.”
Acts 2: 42-47
Rev. Jesse Larson
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko