PLEASE HELP Support Bethany’s ministry in 2025 by making a pledge!
You Can Help Support the Ministry and Outreach of Bethany
God has blessed us in many special ways, and in turn, we feel privileged to share of our time, talent, and treasure to express love to others. Your contributions support the life of Bethany and its numerous ministries in the local and world communities.
We have a vision that is amazing & exciting. We are inviting you to invest yourself through the resources that God has given you—your energy, your prayers and your money—in this work to which God has called us.
—Henri Nouwen (1932-1996)
Option 1: Online
Simply click here to connect to the Give+ web page. You’ll need to sign in only one time. You can give just once or regularly—your choice.
You can also download the app for your smartphone or tablet; it’s searchable in your app store as Give+
Option 2: Cash/Check Donations
Please make checks payable to Bethany Presbyterian Church and leave in the offering plate during worship or send by mail to:
5625 24th Street, Sacramento, CA 95822
You can also request a box of offering envelopes to use with regular giving.
Option 3: Stock or Estate Gift
If you would like to make a stock gift or leave a portion of your estate to Bethany Presbyterian Church, you may contact the church office manager, who can connect you with the gifts committee.