Today's bible reading is Mark 4: 30-32 (The Parable of the Mustard Seed). Rev. Jesse Larson speaks about our planet's earliest days, when the humble fern—small and seemingly insignificant like the mustard seed—was the first form of plant life. He tells us that life at its very core is all about change and recovery … and persistence and patience. Getting out of doors during this time of COVID quarantine and isolation helps remind us of God's enduring love and that with him, nothing is impossible.
Pianist Natalya Amelchenko enriches the service with several arrangements, including:
'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus, arr. Lisa Hoekstra
Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us, arr. Donna Krieger
God Will Take Care of You, arr. Terry Osman
Kneeling at the Altar by Sabrina Brem
Medley: Open the Eyes of My Heart / Be Thou My Vision, arr. Mark Hayes
I Sing the Mighty Power of God, arr. Victor Labenske
Amazing Grace, arr. Victor Labenske