
Worship Service • December 19, 2021 • Fourth Sunday in Advent

Worship Service • December 19, 2021 • Fourth Sunday in Advent

“Tte good news of Jesus Christ, proclaimed to us in the form of a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, should continue to give us great joy for all people. Our true joy is that unto us, a saviors has been born.”

Luke 2: 8-18
Rev. Jesse Larson
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
Guest musician: Sherry McHurd Hanson, viola
Advent wreath lighters: Jiim Carter & Barbara Greene
Anthem: Bethany Chancel Choir

Worship Service - November 7, 2021 - All Saints Day

Worship Service - November 7, 2021 - All Saints Day

Hebrews 12: 1-2
Rev. Jesse Larson
Liturgist: Rev. Judy Davis
Moment for Mission: Candace Keefauver
Bells: Barbara Greene
Song leaders: Peter Baird & Barbara Greene
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko

Worship Service - October 31, 2021 - Reformation Sunday

Worship Service - October 31, 2021 - Reformation Sunday

“Today we celebrate the great reforms of our tradition, and yet our work is far from complete. The world desperately needs love and justice as much as it ever has.”

Romans 12: 1-21
Rev. Jesse Larson
Liturgist: Mary Harbison
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
Guest musician: Neil Henderson, bagpipes

Worship Service - September 12, 2021

Worship Service - September 12, 2021

“Are we ready to cast aside our doubts and anxiety, and be ready to accept God’s invitation to bold faith and new life?”
Matthew 14: 22-3
Rev. Jesse Larson
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
Guest musician: Sherry McHurd Hanson, viola