Worship Service - September 12, 2021

Rev. Jesse Larson leads today’s service, during which Bethany celebrated “Homecoming Sunday”—a time to reconnect with church friends and kick off the new program year. He read Matthew 14: 22-33, which tells of the time Jesus walked on water—and helped Peter calm his fears and do the same. Are we, like Peter, ready to cast aside our doubts and anxiety, and be ready to accept God’s invitation to bold faith and new life?

Music is provided by pianist Natalya Amelchenko and guest musician Sherry McHurd Hanson on the viola.

The song team of Peter Baird, Trisha Uhrhammer and Marilee Keene led hymns:

  • Here In This Place (Gather Us In)

  • Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore (Tú Has Venido a la Orilla)

Rev. Jesse taught the congregation a newer hymn written by Rev. Ben Johnston-Krase entitled Prayers of the People.

A special children’s message was given and each of the children present was given a keepsake “Bethany Bear” mascot to take home.