Keeping In Touch

Dear Bethany Members and Friends,

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Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! We know that these are very unsettled times, and it has been frustrating not to be able to gather as a church family.

Sure enough, just today Sacramento Country has returned to "purple" status, meaning that more businesses and organizations will go into lockdown once again. Still, Bethany is open and working on a variety of projects. Our Session continues to meet regularly, via Zoom, to formulate safe plans for reopening when the time is right, as well as finding ways to stay connected when it is not safe to do so.

Because we are not meeting regularly, it has become more challenging to stay in touch—we are worried that some of our dear members might "slip through the cracks," especially those people who do not use the Internet. So we are asking that you click this link, which will take you to a form to fill out (it should be fairly easy, but if you run into any problems, please e-mail Maria in the office). Or call her at (916) 428-5281.

If you know of a church member or regular attendee who is not an Internet user, please let Maria know and we will send a paper copy by mail for him or her to fill out and return.

By collecting this information, we hope that we might have additional points of contact in our efforts to reach you. In the event of an emergency, family contacts and care-giver contacts are extremely useful so that we can be in contact should we need to.

And please note that we never share or sell any information that you share with us; it will be safely stored at Bethany.  

We pray God's blessings of safety and hope for you as we continue to navigate these uncharted waters of pandemic together. We trust that God will see us through, as God has always done in the past.
