A Renewed Purpose for Churches

Friends in Faith,

We have a lot on our plates. We have so many responsibilities in our personal lives, and we have a lot of work to do as a nation as we make our way through the COVID-19 pandemic … rebuild our economy … and heal our divisions and political dysfunction.


As the months pass along and we make our way through this seemingly endless tunnel of social distancing and starts and stops for our economy, I have a feeling that churches might see a renewed sense of relevance and purpose as people long for a sense of togetherness, purpose, and wholeness. God’s Spirit seems to be inviting us to a new chapter in the life of our churches. Parker Palmer is a writer, educator, and activist who is also the founder of the nonprofit Center for Courage & Renewal. He wrote an excellent article concerning the “Five Habits to Heal the Heart of Democracy.” It seems to me that our churches can be a vital part of this process, as we share many of these same values and longings. I invite you to check out the article here.

November is Stewardship Month at Bethany. Please prayerfully consider how you might share your time, talent, and treasure at Bethany so that we might, together, continue to build the Kingdom of God here on Earth. We will be celebrating “Stewardship Sunday” on Sunday, November 22. This Sunday, November 15, I will be sharing Part 2 of my stewardship sermon concerning creative new ways of being the church in a new era.

NEW! Bethany’s Worship & Arts Commission is planning to pre-record a few of our worship services now and then; we are experimenting with a variety of virtual formats that can enhance our services. We are inviting our members and friends to participate in worship by sending in a video clip which will then be edited into a larger worship service. Worship & Arts Commission Chair Jim Guida sent out an e-mail earlier this week with additional details. Please contact him if you are interested in participating! Click here for the video I created, plus a few more.
