Now Is Truly a Time for Faith

Bethany Friends and Family:

Election Day is finally upon us! Though many have already voted, you still have time to make your voice heard today if you haven’t yet done so.  We’ll then begin the anxious wait for the results (as well as an end to all of the mailings, texts, phone calls, and commercials) in the most contentious election in recent memory. It is likely that we will not have an official winner at least for a few days as all of the ballots are counted.

As we make our way in the aftermath of this election, may we be brave agents of love, grace, peace, reconciliation, unity, and hope. Every day, we are given opportunities to commit acts of kindness to help heal our divided nation. 

Though it is hard not to feel overwhelmed by our fears, now is truly a time for faith. God has brought us through many other chaotic times before, and we trust that God will not abandon us now. I’m reminded of Paul’s powerful words from Romans 8:38-39.

For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers,  nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  

Take comfort in this prayer by Rev. Jill Duffield:

Almighty God, as people go to the polls this day we pray first and foremost for peace. May the sense of community and connection be greater than any division or difference, no matter how entrenched. Knowing we will vote in schools, churches, synagogues, and other communal gathering places, may our commitment to care for one another grow as we stand in lines, talk to our neighbors and recognize we have more in common than we often realize. May we show one another kindness and respect, today and in the days to come.

We thank you for the freedom to vote our conscience, of which you alone are Lord. After this election, we are keenly aware that even if the political rhetoric fades the acrimony it highlighted will remain. Grant us the courage to step into the breaches and not shrink back into our enclaves of homogeneity. Send your Spirit to drive us to the places where you are already working to bring reconciliation. Remind us relentlessly that you are greater than every category we devise, more powerful than any estrangement we have created, eternal, ever present and always calling forth justice, peace and abundant life. Show us today and everyday how to live in the love of Jesus Christ, the perfect love that casts out fear. Amen.


  • This Sunday, November 8th, is Howard McMackin’s 90th birthday! We will be celebrating this special day with a “drive-by” at Bethany between 3-4 p.m. The McMackins will be hanging out in Bethany’s parking lot off of 24th Street. You are invited to decorate your car and swing by, offering socially distanced wishes to Howard.

  • November is Stewardship Month at Bethany. Soon you will be receiving more information about this year’s stewardship campaign. Please prayerfully consider how you might share your time, talent, and treasure at Bethany so that we might, together, continue to build the Kingdom of God here on Earth. We will be celebrating “Stewardship Sunday” on Sunday, November 22. Stay tuned …

  • As always, all are welcome to join us for our Facebook Live worship service at 10:20 a.m. on Sundays. Click here to tune in Then—immediately following this service—all are invited to our Zoom worship service which begins around 11:10 a.m. Click here to find the link to this service, as well as two our other Zoom meetings (Tuesday Bible studies and Wednesday check-ins).

  • 15 participants enjoyed our first discussion of Ibram Kendi’s book, “How to be an Antiracist” on October 20th. Our next session is on Tuesday, November 17th at 7 p.m.  If you would like to join in, please contact Donna Tabaie and she’ll be in touch with further information. 

  • Bethany’s Tuesday Zoom Bible study group (meeting at 11 a.m.) has begun “Into the Light—Finding Hope Through Prayers of Lament” which has already led to some very meaningful sharing. We’ll be using this curriculum for the next few months and all are welcome to join us whenever they can. Purchasing our study book is not necessary to participate, but if you’d like a copy of this excellent resource, you can find one here.

  • SSIP will be holding its annual “Thanksgiving Turkey Give Away” on Saturday, November 21st from 9-11 a.m.  They are seeking volunteers, so if you’d like to help, please contact them! 

With prayers for peace,