God Is Still in Control

African Wild Dogs: life as usual despite world conditions

African Wild Dogs: life as usual despite world conditions

The attentive critters pictured here are African Wild Dogs. I know they are rather vicious, but they are also pretty cute, too. I am using this picture as a reminder that no matter how chaotic and unsettled these current days are—in our own personal lives and in the life of our nation—much of the natural world continues about its business. 

Yes, climate change is real and we are feeling its effects. Yes, we are a profoundly divided nation and many of us fear what the implications of November's election. Yes, the coronavirus has now nearly killed 200,000 Americans (and thousands of other people around the world) and our economy has been hobbled. 

But the world keeps on spinning. In fact, the global shelter-in-place order resulted in a marked reduction in pollution—at least for a few months. Not only that, there is still a lot more good news out there as well. Did you know that polio was officially eradicated from Africa? Here's a link for a bunch of other positive news stories which we so long for.

I don't mean to make light of the incredible problems we are facing as a nation, but I do believe there are still reasons to be hopeful about our future. Even in the midst of a pandemic and protests, many of us are busy volunteering, supporting our families, learning new hobbies, reaching out to friends, doing random acts of kindness, and a host of other worthy duties. So I pray that when you are feeling overwhelmed—which is a totally natural feeling—that you would also be encouraged to know that God is still in control, pushing all of creation to a new chapter.  



Even though we aren't together, September and October are typically very busy months in the life of the church, and this reality remains. So there is a lot to share with you all.  

This coming Sunday we'll be recognizing as Mental Health Awareness Sunday—a very appropriate topic for a pandemic! Click here to view a Presbyterian statement on mental illness; you’ll find good resources for yourself and loved ones. Facebook Live worship begins at 10:30 a.m. and is then followed by Zoom worship at 11:10 a.m. Click here for all tune-in details.

There will also be:

Speaking of our webpage, I would recommend that you regularly visit ours, as it is full of all sorts of helpful information and opportunities. For example, webmaster Cathy Sapunor has authored September’s Top of the Month reflection and shared some wise words for times such as these. [Note from Cathy: we are always seeking people to write something for Top of the Month. Check it out and see if you have an observation, poem or whatever to share!]

Please spread the word about our web site, our Facebook page, and invite friends to be added to our email list. It's a great way to keep us all in the loop and stay connected in disconnected times. As always, if you would like to be removed from this list, just let me know and I can do so.

In the smoke and the heat, and with back-to-school a virtual event this year, families are coming to the SSIP Food Closet for healthy food from all over Sacramento right now. Click here to see the latest news from the food closet.

Don't forget that this Saturday, September 19 and next Saturday, September 26, there will be a special Zoom event offered by our Presbytery entitled "Intercultural Transformation Workshops." Here is a link for more information. Register soon as space is limited. 

Save the date: 

Sunday, October 4 is World Communion Sunday.  We will be celebrating communion together!

Bethany will be offering a book study on How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi via Zoom on October 20, November 17, December 1 and December 15. Details to follow!