We find ourselves amid another intense week in this chaotic year. The smoke-filled skies are choking us here in Sacramento, and we can only imagine how terrible it must be much closer to the many wild fires blazing all along the West Coast. Our hearts are heavy with sadness for all those affected by these disasters, as well as all of those who continue to battle the Coronavirus. We remember that Jesus assured us that we can share our burdens with him; he’ll help us carry the load and see us through to a better day. In that spirit, I invite you to take a moment of prayer. I modified this prayer from the United Church of Canada:
God of all Creation,
We live in a world where both beauty and danger surround us. Receive our prayers for those impacted by, and living in fear of, the wildfires across California, Oregon, and Washington:
For all who cannot find adequate food, safety, or shelter…
For all who have lost their homes, churches, community centers, and workplaces …
For all your glorious natural Creation that has been destroyed and is in harm’s way … for all things, places, and place that are in need of healing.
We pray and ask that you help heal the pain of all affected. Strengthen with your presence all who are numb with fear and distress. Guide those who anxiously search or wait for loved ones. Be near those who are grieving, and bless them with your peace.
In the midst of disaster we give thanks for moments of generosity and human kindness. Grant tenderness, strength, and wisdom … to doctors and nurses, police and military, fire-fighters and emergency responders; to the wildlife conservationists and stewards of the Earth; to all who minister to human need in our time of distress.
We gather these prayers with the assurance that you already know our needs, and are always with us. Amen.
I wanted to remind everyone that this evening—Wednesday, September 9 at 7 p.m.—we will be having a Zoom discussion about race and how Bethany might find ways to be a part of the larger movements happening in the US for racial justice. Here is the link for the meeting.
As always, our website contains links to Bethany’s regularly scheduled online activities, which include:
Tuesday Zoom Bible studies at 11 a.m.
Wednesday Zoom Check-ins at 11 a.m.
Sunday Facebook Live worship at 10:30 a.m.
Sunday Zoom Worship at 11:10 a.m.
The Presbyterian Church (USA) in 2018 declared 2020-2030 as the “Decade of Intercultural Transformation” and—as a launching event—the Presbyterian Intercultural Network has gathered co-hosts and workshop leaders to bring a virtual workshop spanning the country. North Central California Presbytery will co-host this two-part series, with workshops provided by three individuals from the Presbytery: Rev. Dr. Aart Van Beek, Honorably Retired & Pastoral Mentor; Rola Al Ashkar, Candidate for Ministry & Pastoral Resident at Parkview Presbyterian Church; and Reno Tiwa, Inquirer & pastoral worker. The event takes place on two Saturdays, September 19 and 26, 9 a.m.-12 noon each of the two days. More details and registration—which is free, but limited—are available online.
Bethany’s new Welcome Table adjacent to the church office
Finally, as I mentioned in last week’s e-mail, all worship gatherings at Bethany are suspended until further notice. We are asking anyone who comes to Bethany to sign in (enter through the door nearest the church office; call first to be sure someone will be there to greet and assist you). This will help Bethany verify in-person contact and assist with tracking in the event someone visiting tests positive for COVID-19. In addition, we ask that you wipe down any equipment or surfaces you may have touched during your visit, and then sign out as you depart. Of course, it goes without saying that while on the premises all will maintain a minimum distance apart of six feet AND wear a mask. These practices are intended to keep everyone safe. Thank you for your patience and understanding.