Remember and Celebrate Those Working for Justice, Equality and Love for All


The year 2020 continues to deliver body blows with each passing week.

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died this past Friday. Despite having many anxieties concerning her vacant seat on the Supreme Court in this time of intense political struggle, we give thanks to God for Justice Ginsburg’s life. She was a true champion of the American people. She especially worked diligently on behalf of women, and helped establish a greater equality for women in our nation. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a leading force in securing women's rights to:

  • Obtain a mortgage without a male co-signer

  • Open a checking account without a male co-signer

  • Start a business without a male co-signer

  • Get a credit card without a male co-signer

  • Obtain a business loan without a male co-signer

  • Obtain a job without gender-based discrimination

  • Obtain/retain employment while pregnant

  • Obtain birth control without having to obtain husband's permission

  • Not be forced to provide proof of sterilization to obtain/retain employment

  • Pension benefits equal to male coworkers

  • Equal consideration to be executors of their children's estates

Justice Ginsburg is nothing short of a superhero, and I find it so encouraging to know that there are these blessed saints among us—of all faiths and backgrounds—who seek to make the world a better place for everyone. In a time when hope can be in short supply, it’s important to remember and celebrate the many people with big hearts and big minds all around us who are working for justice, equality, and love for all.

In big ways and in small ways, we can all offer more light and love into this world that desperately needs it.  "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine!"

Peace to you all,


Don't forget that this Saturday, September 26, there is another special Zoom event offered by our Presbytery entitled "Intercultural Transformation Workshops."  Those who attended last week's workshop found it to be very meaningful. Here is a link for more information. Register soon as space is limited.  

Facebook Live worship begins at 10:30 a.m. and is then followed by Zoom worship at 11:10 a.m.  You can find the links for both of these services on our News page.

You can also find the links to our two weekly Zoom "gatherings" on our website as well: Tuesday Zoom Bible studies at 11 a.m. and Wednesday Zoom Check-ins at 11 a.m.  You are encouraged to join us - we'd love to have more folks show up so we can all stay connected.  In addition, I would recommend that you regularly visit our webpage as it is full of all sorts of helpful information and opportunities. 

Save the date: 

· Sunday, October 4 is World Communion Sunday.  We will be celebrating communion together!

· We will be offering a study on the book How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi via Zoom on 10/20, 11/17, 12/1, and 12/15. We will work our way through the first 9 chapters of the book, then resume our discussions with the second half of the book in February 2020. Details to follow.

Finally, the South Sacramento Interfaith Partnership Food Closet is now feeding over 100 people a day … and struggling to keep up with all of the needs. They are requesting volunteers and additional assistance.

From the SSIP Food Closet:

Volunteer! Flex your superhero powers providing essential services!

The Food Closet needs volunteers to distribute food to needy families in our community from our facility at 5625 24th Street (behind Bethany). Once a week or once a month — whatever you can offer. A volunteer shift is from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Monday thru Friday.We provide masks and gloves, and practice COVID19 preventative measures. 

Email for more details.  Please provide your full name, phone number, and dates you are available to assist our team.

If you would like information about receiving food, call the Food Closet at (916) 428-5290 or email

Do something that is satisfying and of great service to your community.  Meet neighbors and build friendships.