Dear Friends in Faith,
With each passing day, we are given glimmers of hope that COVID-19 infection rates are slowing and we can soon begin "reopening." But at the same time, we are also told that this will be a long journey; it will be full of many starts and stops, depending on how infection rates rise or fall. As much as we want all of this Coronavirus crisis to be done and over, that won't be the case. Indeed, we keep hearing the phrase "a new normal"— but we aren't sure what that will look like.
Rather than giving into our frustrations over our current situation, I would encourage us, as a church community, to take some time to discuss who we are and how we plan to move forward as a church in the midst of this global pandemic. Truth is, it is imperative for a church to regularly self-reflect and discuss our plans for the future and the ways we best offer love to our community regardless of whether or not we are facing a crisis. Long before the Coronavirus ever arrived, we knew that we were already facing big changes at Bethany.
As I mentioned last week, Bethany's Session is attempting to discuss these important questions, as well as how it might be possible to reopen. In the coming weeks, perhaps we might find a way to host some Zoom "town hall" meetings where we can all express our thoughts on these vital topics. Please view this video which helps articulate the current reality of today's church:
As we navigate these stormy seas together, let us not forget that God has called us to this time and this place for a purpose. Substantial growth and meaningful new ways of being often arise out of conflict and disruption. Hopefully together we can discern the "new thing" that God is doing in our midst. If you have thoughts to share, please e-mail me or a member of Session or give us a call. Better yet, please join us for one of our many weekly opportunities to check in with one another as a church family. Together we will find new ways of being the church in a strange new chapter.
With hope,
Join us for our Zoom Bible Study Tuesday, May 12, at 11 a.m. Meeting ID: 869 5793 6630.
On Wednesday, May 13, we will be enjoying our weekly Zoom Check-in at 11 a.m. Meeting ID: 845 4862 2514
Finally, we will be trying another Zoom worship experience this coming Sunday (May 19), immediately following our Facebook Live worship. Facebook Live worship begins at 10:30 a.m. (music by Natalya Amelchenko begins around 10:20 a.m.) and as soon as it's over, we then begin our Zoom service (about 11 a.m.). Meeting ID: 873 2914 0469
Please note: I am receiving regular reminders telling me that all Zoom users will need to update to "Zoom 5.0." You can follow the links at the top of the Zoom webpage I believe it is just an upgraded program that will allow Zoom to work more smoothly.
This road sign seems like an appropriate symbol for our journey ahead.