Dear Friends in Faith:
I just watched Governor Newsom's daily press conference and it seems as though several businesses are set to reopen as early as Friday. We are all cautiously optimistic that our communities can safely reopen … IF we continue to follow the advice concerning social distancing, washing hands, wearing masks and gloves, avoiding large groups, etc.
I have not yet heard any specific directives given to churches, but please know that our Session (board of elders) will want to ensure that whenever the time is right, we will worship once again together in ways that will strive to keep everyone safe. In anticipation of that, our custodian, Robert, has been instructed to wipe down all surfaces daily, including all door handles and entry ways. He is also to clean all of our bathrooms twice a day. We will no doubt have to sit in the pews in a socially distant manner, and we'll find new ways of sharing the peace of Christ and celebrating communion. We'll keep you posted as we make progress in these plans.
I'm now beginning my third month as the pastor of Bethany Presbyterian Church; in some ways, it feels like I just got here, and in other ways, it seems like I've known you all for much longer. We had two Sundays together before everything shut down, and as of yesterday, I've completed my eighth digital Sunday worship service. It has been a strange beginning, for sure—so many of our plans and expectations have radically changed. We have entered into uncharted territory and these days are full of both anxiety and promise. So much is in the air and we just don't know what tomorrow will bring, let alone a few months from now.
We've all been stepping up to the new challenges that have landed on our laps; who would have thought that we'd all have to become so much more technologically astute so quickly? We try our best and trust that this will be OK. Indeed, God has called us to this unique time in the life of Bethany, our nation, and our own lives.
Just because so much is changing doesn't mean that God isn't at work, guiding us all toward a better destination. It's important that we continually discern God's Spirit in the midst of these times, and put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ, our Savior. We we are planting some important seeds for Bethany's future. All shall be well.
In the meantime, we will continue to "gather" virtually as best we can.
We know that each of these technological applications (Facebook, website, Zoom, etc.) comes with its own benefits and frustrations. Let us continue to face these strange days with a spirit of experimentation and grace. The important thing is that we are holding one another in the light of Christ—so keep checking in either through Zoom, Facebook, text, e-mail, snail mail, or a phone call. Hope to "see" lots of you this week!
In Christ,
In addition to our Sunday morning “livecast” on Facebook (10:30 a.m.), we will be starting a weekly Bible study via Zoom; the first session will be Tuesday, May 5, at 11 a.m. This informal time of discussion is welcome to everyone. No preparation is needed—just come as you are and engage God's Word. Every Tuesday morning check the website for the log-in information.
Cleaning … sanitizing … and more