Virtual ... And Groovy


Who would have known that the creator of The Brady Bunch's iconic introduction would have so accurately predicted how we communicate with one another in the year 2020?! 

It's a strange world, to be sure, but a groovy one, too!  

I'm sure we are all feeling the same way. When can we finally meet together again in person?! Enough of all the screens! It seems as though it still might take some time, so in the meantime we'll have to settle for virtual gatherings. They are far from perfect, but it is sure good to see the friendly faces of our church family.    

In Faith,

Here are the links to this week's Zoom gatherings. 

Tomorrow — Tuesday, May 19, at 11 a.m. — all are invited to join us for our weekly Bible study. It's an informal time to reflect about God's Word, and our spirits are inevitably lifted up when we do so. Please join us!
Meeting ID: 869 5793 6630

Then, on Wednesday, May 20, at 11 a.m., all are invited to gather virtually for our weekly Zoom check-in. We enjoy sharing with one another how we are coping with all that's happening in the world, as well as a few laughs. Hope to see you then!
Meeting ID: 826 5268 2647  

Finally, we will be worshiping together at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday (May 24) via Facebook Live. Join us around 10:15 a.m. for music by Natalya Amelchenko, with a brief service starting 10:30. You can join us on our Bethany Facebook page. As always, you can watch the service later on the Multi-Media section of our website.

Immediately following our Facebook Live service, we'll then begin our Zoom service at about 11 a.m.  This second service is more participatory; if you have a song you'd like to sing, a poem to share, or a faith story, please email and let me know.  It's always a special experience to hear one another's stories to learn more about the gifts that God has given each of us.  Here is the link for the Zoom worship service — see you then!
Meeting ID: 873 2914 0469

Please note: if you know someone who only has a traditional phone, s/he should still be able to join us for Zoom worship.  You can share the number below; folks should be able to call in to join the meeting. 
+1 669 900 9128