Setting time asaide for “Holyday”
Exodus 20:11
Worship leader: Elder Jim Guida
Liturgist: Tom Uhrhammer
Soloist and song leader: Barbara Greene
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
Setting time asaide for “Holyday”
Exodus 20:11
Worship leader: Elder Jim Guida
Liturgist: Tom Uhrhammer
Soloist and song leader: Barbara Greene
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
“Justice and Love”
Leviticus 25:8-13
Elder Jackie Sneed
May Harbison, Liturgist
Barbara Greene, Song Leader
Natalya Amelchenko, Pianist
“Loyalty and Legacy”
Luke 22: 24-34 and Luke 22: 54-62
Rev. Janice Kamikawa
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
Liturgist: Mary Harbison
Vocalists: Barbara Greene and Jackie Sneed
The gift of “Sabbath”
Genesis 2:1-4
Rev. Jesse Larson
Vocalist and song leader: Barbara Greene
Special guest musician: Singer-songwriter KC Shane
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
The grace of God
Luke 15:11-32
Rev. Jesse Larson
Liturgist: Tom Uhrhammer
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
“Use kind words in dealing with others.”
James 3:5-18
Rev. Jesse Larson
Pianist: Cathy Sapunor
Soloist: Barbara Greene
“Filled with the Holy Spirit”
Acts 2: 1-13
Rev. Jesse Larson
Liturgist: Jackie Sneed
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
Matthew 5:38-48
Rev. Jesse Larson
Jackie Sneed, liturgist
Natalya Amelchenko, pianist
“Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Matthew 5:38-48
Rev. Judy Davis
Liturgist: Mary Harbison
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
“These are times to hold fast to our faith and tend to our souls. Nothing will ever separate us from the love of God.”
Rev. Jesse Larson
Natalya Amelchenko, pianist
Reflecting on the ways that Christ offers us his peace in the midst of turmoil, failures and the unknown.
John 20: 19-30
Rev. Jesse Larson
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
“Christ is risen!”
Luke 23: 44-49, 24: 1-12
Rev. Jesse Larson
Liturgust: Barbara Greene
Children’s Moment: Jim Guida
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
Easter bunny display: Dolores McMackin
“Acting with vision”
Jeremiah 29:1-14 and John 12:12-19
Rev. Jesse Larson
Liturgust: Jackie Sneed
Soloist: Sylvia Alamillo
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
"Remembering is a way to give thanks to God for all that has been provided over the years. May we celebrate what once was, as we lament what's passing according to the progress of life."
Psalm 137:1-6
Rev. Jesse Larson
Liturgist: Mary Harbison
Soloist: Barbara Greene
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko.
Rev. Jesse Larson and Rev. Janice Kamikawa jointly led today’s service, which focused on “healing and restoration.” Today marked the third Sunday in the season of Lent—the weeks leading up to Easter. The scripture reading, Jeremiah 18:1-11, concerned God the potter. Pianist Natalya Amelchenko presented music and accompanied the singing of hymns:
I've Got Peace Like a River
Spirit of the Living God
There is a Balm in Gilead;
Change My Heart, O God
My Life Flows On/How Can I Keep From Singing
Jude's Benediction.
Rev. Jesse Larson
Rev. Janice Kamikawa
Tom Uhrhammer, liturgist
Natalya Amelchenko, pianist