
Worship Service • December 12, 2021 • Third Sunday in Advent

Worship Service • December 12, 2021 • Third Sunday in Advent

“In baptism we are given a whole new identity: as a family member in the household of God. Here we are today, continuing in this tradition that began over 2,000 years ago. We hold fast to the promise that love conquers hate.”

Philippians 1: 3-11
Rev. Jesse Larson
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
Guest musician: John Doolittle, saxophone
Liturgical dancer: Vickie McNamee Owens
Advent wreath lighters: Cherie Upchurch, Janice & Paul Douglas
Worship assistant: Barbara Greene
Children baptized: Steven Bertsch, Alexander Medina, Jaxon Medina

"Blue Christmas" Service • December 8, 2021

"Blue Christmas" Service • December 8, 2021

“However you are feeling now, take it one day at a time. In the anguish of these long, dark nights, may the spirit comfort you, reminding you of all that Christ said: promises of eternal life … of life everlasting … of all all tears wiped away. All shall be well.”

Psalms 22:1-5 and John 14: 26-27.
Rev. Jesse Larson & Rev. Janice Kamikawa
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
Vocal soloist and song leader: Barbara Greene

Worship Service • December 5, 2021 • Second Sunday in Advent

Worship Service • December 5, 2021 • Second Sunday in Advent

“As Christians we proclaim that all are worthy of God’s love and salvation. Mary’s song reminds us that God is committed to those who need hope the most. Open your hearts; be not afraid to welcome the savior who turned the world upside down.”

Luke 1:39-56
Rev. Jesse Larson
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
Song leaders: Barbara Greene & Kathy Frank
Soloist: Barbara Greene
Advent wreath lighters: The Ogata-Medina-Sapunor family

Worship Service - November 28, 2021 - First Sunday in Advent

Worship Service - November 28, 2021 - First Sunday in Advent

“In Advent we celebrate Christ being born into the world, and we also celebrate the promise of His return.”
Luke 21:25-36
Rev. Jesse Larson
Pianist: Natalya Amelchenko
Song team: Sylvia Alamillo, Kathy Frank and Barbara Greene
Liturgist: Mary Harbison