From the Pastor

Friends in Faith:

My pastorate at Bethany has been unique, to say the least.  When I was interviewing for this job 3.5 years ago, the Pastor Nominating Committee shared with me that Bethany could only afford my salary for a couple of years—they were aware that tough times lay ahead. I was on the job for two weeks before we shut down for the COVID-19 pandemic. As we all know, so much has changed over the past three years. So many churches are facing the same troubles that Bethany is; we wonder what the future holds and it doesn't always seem very hopeful. 

Interestingly, I've never had a “job description” at Bethany—I've done my best to figure out the dynamics at work in this congregation and the singular identity of Bethany as a congregation. In the other churches I've served, the role of the pastor has been as a leader; I'd bring the ideas and the people would help me to enact a vision that was often crafted by my experience combined with the gifts of the congregation. But here at Bethany, there is a tremendous amount of lay leadership—so many of you competently lead events, programs and endeavors. You all have your own opinions of who we are as a congregation and what we should be doing.  So, over time, I've learned that my role has been as a moderator—I stand in the middle of this church and work to somehow keep us pulling in the same direction, to communicate together, and to both keep the faith and step out on faith. For such a time as this …

Despite many of our challenges, God has always found a way of supplying so many gifted people to step up at the right time here at Bethany. I'm so thankful that Rev. Janice Kamikawa, Rev. Judy Davis, Jackie Sneed and Jim Guida are willing to lead worship. We have a committed prayer team, led by Barbara Greene, who support so many who are struggling. Our Fnance Commission, chaired by Debbie Leibrock, and our Plant and Facilities Commission, chaired by Ron Carlson, donate countless hours in making sure that our organization and facility are functioning. It's a huge job taking care of bills, completing repairs, cleaning up messes, etc. The Retreat Planning Committee creates a fantastic event at Zephyr Point every year. There are so many of you who are always willing to generously share of your time, talent and treasure. 

Office Manager Maria Mar appeared on the scene just at the right time, too. She has helped us to understand our finances; she's brought in a variety of rental groups; she participates in the life of Bethany, and she even offers powerful reflections for our weekly e-news. Our prayers are with her as she undergoes treatment for lymphoma. Her faithfulness bolsters our own, just as all the faith exhibited at Bethany gives us encouragement.   

Every day is a day to accept God's invitation to step out on faith.  So many of our decisions—especially in these wild times —are acts of faith. But I am comforted by so many folks—in our church family and personal lives—who keep sharing their gifts every day. The church is the people, thanks be to God! And having good people to journey, discern, and serve with makes life all the better.  

Speaking of stepping out on faith, we'll be exploring the story of when God appeared to Moses as a flaming bush and called him to free the Hebrew people from their bondage in Egypt. We hope you'll join us for worship!  Natalya begins playing our “gathering music” at 10:20 a.m. You can also join virtually here: Facebook Live. More details about worship can be found here.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is a emergency response effort of the PCUSA which has received the highest marks regarding efficient use of donations, immediate and long-term assistance, etc. PDA is already helping with the recovery/rebuilding in Maui after the terrible wildfires there.  And now, given the terrible earthquakes in Morocco and the disastrous floods in Libya, PDA needs our support. Click here to give!

  • Tomorrow, Thursday, September 14 is the final class of the “Upside of Downsizing” four-part series on “decluttering.” Come even if you have not made it to any of the prior classes! The group gathers at 9:30 a.m. for refreshments and the class is 10-11:30 a.m.


    • All Bethany members are cordially invited to celebrate Mary Harbison's birthday (89!) on Saturday, September 23. More details to follow.

    • The "Ethnic Concerns Conference" will be held at Zephyr Point October 6-8; speak to Cathy Sapunor or Rev. Janice Kamikawa for more info.

    • The annual "Sprucing Up the Pines" event at Zephyr Point will be held from October 13-15 (speak to Cathy Sapunor for more info). Here are details. The registration deadline is today but you may still be able to sign up.

    • Rev. Stephen Moon (of Mosaics) and Davis Community Church will be hosting another fellowship evening for the entire Presbytery on Saturday, October 28: "The Presbytery Unity Meal.” More details to follow! 

    • Our next “five on the 5th” Food Closet volunteer mornings is on Monday, October 30.  We need five willing bodies! No experience necessary! Contact Cathy Sapunor if you would like to help.

As a church family, we are a community that is committed to caring for one another. One of the ways that we can support one another, loved ones and strangers, near and far, is to offer our prayers on their behalf. We share our prayers because we care for one another, and we know that God listens and cares for all of God's children. If you have a joy or concern to share, please let me know; and if it is a confidential matter, please be sure to let them know. And don't forget that we have a prayer team who is committed to praying for any and all prayer concerns that come forward. You can reach out to Barbara Greene with your prayer concerns and she'll share them with the prayer team. 

Pray for comfort, healing and hope for Maria

Hear our prayers, O Lord!

 Peace to all.