From the Pastor

Friends in Faith:

Tomorrow, Wednesday, July 19, I'll begin some vacation time; I'll return on Sunday, August 4. Thankfully, we have a great session who are available to provide support while I'm away.  We also have a deep bench of preachers to lead worship as well. Jim Guida will be leading worship this Sunday—July 23; Jim will be focusing on Romans 8:14-25. Jackie Sneed will lead our service on July 30. I'll be back to lead our special worship service on August 6 featuring new songs led by Matthew Black (he'll also be playing a concert at 4 p.m. later in the day for our Presbytery; a free taco bar will follow the concert. If you are interested in attending, please let me know ASAP).  

Natalya begins playing our “gathering music” Sundays at 10:20 a.m. You can also join virtually here: Facebook Live. More details about worship can be found here.


We'll continue our discussion of guns in America on Monday, July 24, at 10 a.m.  All are invited; a free lunch is offered after our discussion.  


KC Shane, a singer-songwriter who has played for Bethany's worship services on several occasions, is offering a free concert at Susan Just's home on Friday, July 28! See Susan for details.


Bethany Presbyterian Women present a FREE four-part series about clutter and how we can simplify our lives using basic biblical wisdom and spiritual practices. All—including men—are invited to attend the “Up Side of Downsizing” series. Sessions will be held on: Thursday, July 27; Thursday, August 10; Thursday, August 24

Each session starts at 10 a.m. and ends at 11:30 a.m. Come at 9:30 for coffee and socializing! Attendance at all of the sessions is not required, but it is helpful. Bring a notepad and pen with you to each session. Click here for information.


The South Sacramento Interfaith Partnership Food Closet has an immediate opening for an Administrative Assistant. Part-time position (25 hours per week) Monday thru Friday from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Pay range from $17 per hour. For additional information, click here or cotact Simon Yeh, Food Closet Manager, at (916) 428-5290.


As a church family, we are a community that is committed to caring for one another. One of the ways that we can support one another, loved ones and strangers, near and far, is to offer our prayers on their behalf. We share our prayers because we care for one another, and we know that God listens and cares for all of God's children. If you have a joy or concern to share, please let me know; and if it is a confidential matter, please be sure to let them know. And don't forget that we have a prayer team who is committed to praying for any and all prayer concerns that come forward. You can reach out to Barbara Greene with your prayer concerns and she'll share them with the prayer team. 

Hear our prayers, O Lord!

 Peace to all.

SSIP Food Closet updates: