Called by Our Creator to Take Care of Each Other

Dear Friends in Faith:

The Bible relates so many powerful, often harrowing stories of God’s faithfulness to us in both good times and in bad ones. While in quarantine—in this case, prison—Paul and Peter prayed and sang hymns, while Daniel and John of Patmos saw visions of a brighter future. We trust that God is very present in the midst of this current trial, and we will get through this together. Still, it’s natural to have anxiety due to the terrible tolls of this catastrophe.

As a faith community, we stand by one another, and in doing so, we are all made stronger. Together we strive to share the light of love, hope, grace, and justice into a world that greatly needs them.

I recently read an article that referred to this COVID-19 crisis as “The Great Pause.” Indeed, everything feels suspended in motion—we have questions about tomorrow and we have no idea what our reality will be in the coming months. Although this pandemic has wreaked a lot of carnage—tragic death and economic devastation—it has also forced us, both collectively and individually, to take part in some serious introspection. How can we live in harmony with creation rather than exploit it? How do we create a society that is merciful and just for all of its residents? Am I living the life that God has called me to? So often such crucial questions are brushed aside due to the breakneck pace of our frenzied lives, but now, as we endure “The Great Pause,” we are realizing that such questions are essential to the ways in which we rebuild as this virus subsides.

Now is the time for us to prioritize and pursue what is important, and to let go of what is not. Of course, with that said, we know that change is not easy for most of us.

But we are called as co-creators by our Creator to take care of one another and our world. As stewards of this amazing Earth, how does God’s Spirit lead us to proactively and creatively pursue new ways of being so that our world is a better place for all who call it home? Let us explore all of these vital questions together, trusting that the Holy Spirit is leading us forward to a brighter future for all of creation.

As people of faith (or at least seekers), we believe that God is with us in the work of moving all of creation to a better place—even towards building heaven here on Earth.
