Continuing to Celebrate Special Holy Days

Dear Friends in Faith,


As these days in quarantine blend into one another, it's comforting to know that we are still celebrating Holy Week just as millions before us have done over the many generations. During good times and bad times, Christians have always managed to celebrate these special holy days. 

Although we won't be able to worship in person together this year, we will still be in the presence of the Holy Spirit, hold one another in prayer, and live into the hope of resurrection. 

Interestingly, this is not the first time that Christians have managed life during a plague. Martin Luther wrote extensively about life in quarantine and ministering to those who were sick and dying during an outbreak of the bubonic plague in Wittenberg, Germany. They managed to get through it, just as we will.  

I pray that our spirits are lifted as we observe these special days and I look forward to being together one again.



Zoom meetings now require a password, so as you click on the link above, you will then be asked to enter this password: 511297            

On April 9, everyone is invited to our first-ever Zoom worship service for Maundy Thursday! The service will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. If you have not yet been on Zoom, visit the website and follow the directions to download their video program on your cell phone. You do not need to create an account. If you have already done this. Click on this link to join the meeting

Please keep your microphone muted during the service, and be sure to have some bread and a cup of wine or juice on hand, as we will be celebrating the Lord's Supper. Click here to see the liturgy for this service so you can follow along if you’d like. Included with it is the liturgy for Good Friday (April 10) for you to walk yourself through it on your own at home.

Finally, we will be celebrating Easter this Sunday via Facebook Live at 10:30 a.m. The Worship and Arts Commission and I have been busy planning this service, so we hope you'll find a way to join us. As always, if you are not a Facebook user, the service will be posted later in the day on Sunday.