Being Stewards of All God's Creation

This coming Sunday we'll be celebrating "Stewardship Sunday" — a time to honor our calling as stewards of God's creation. In our personal lives and in the life of our church, we seek ways to faithfully share our gifts of time, talent, and treasure. Pragmatically, our Budget and Stewardship Commission uses your pledges to create a realistic budget for the coming year. In this era of change, we are bracing for some very new realities as a church. Our scripture lesson will be from Luke 8:22-25 concerning Jesus calming a frightening storm on the seas. Yes, it can be argued that we are in the midst of stormy seas, but Christ calls us to faith rather than fear in such times.

Everyone is encouraged to join us for our final discussion of Sailboat Church (chapters 9 & 10) immediately following worship on Sunday. Whether you've read the book or not, you are welcome to join us in these meaningful discussion about the changes we are facing as churches.

The office will be closed this Thursday and Friday, November 10 & 11. As always, if you have any church business to take care of, feel free to e-mail or call Jesse or Office Manager Maria Mar; we can arrange a time to meet you or can provide other assistance as needed.

The memorial service for Gail Powell will be held on Saturday, November 19 at 3:30 p.m. in our sanctuary.

Sunday, November 20 is "Thanksgiving Sunday" — a time to give thanks for all the many blessings in our lives. Pies will be served during fellowship hour!


We hope that you've received your stewardship packet by now — please take time to prayerfully consider ways that you might pledge and share time and talent at Bethany. Next Sunday, November 20, we'll be bringing forth our pledges to be consecrated; or, you can also mail your pledge card to the office. Your pledge cards helps the Budget and Stewardship create a budget for the coming year. Thank you!

Advent begins on Sunday, November 27. We plan to do some holiday decorating prior to worship on November 27. If you are able, please join us at 9 a.m.

On December 24, Christmas Eve, our worship service will begin at 5 p.m. Immediately following our service, we'll have a gathering in our fellowship hall to sing carols together!

On January 8, we'll be having our workshop and congregational meeting with the Presbyterian Foundation immediately following worship. This event will be four hours long, so we hope you can clear the day! A delicious lunch will be provided!

We lift our many prayers to our Lord, trusting that God hears our prayers and stands by us through good times and bad. John 14:27 declares, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."
