Being Guided by the Holy Spirit—Our 2023 Giving Campaign

November 4, 2022

Friends in Faith,

It’s quite amazing to see how quickly things change from year to year. It seems like we are finally done with the pandemic, but now we are struggling with inflation and a looming recession. At Bethany, we’ve lost more beloved members—some have passed away and others have moved away. We were once a church of 600 and now we are less than 70. In these days of upheaval, we are reminded that our lives and our church are entering into uncharted waters. 

Over the past few months, we’ve been reading Sailboat Church by Joan Gray as a part of the Presbyterian Foundation’s “Project Regeneration.” This thoughtful book encourages us to transform from being a “rowboat church” to a “sailboat church.” Rowboat churches frenetically row to solve our many problems, believing that it’s up to us to save ourselves, while sailboat churches trust in God, and allow our church to be led in new directions by the Holy Spirit. 

Bethany is a community in transition. While we continue to row, we are also recognizing that we simply do not have the people or energy to do much of what we did in the past. We are seeking new ways of being as a small, elderly congregation. The good news is that God’s blessings abound and we have so many opportunities for faith if we are willing to faithfully experiment. The SSIP Food Closet continues to explore the possibility of expanding their operations further onto Bethany’s campus. This relationship promises to benefit both of our organizations as they can better meet their mission of feeding people in need and we can access more help to manage our building. Worship continues to be the holy time when we all gather together to proclaim God’s Word, to tend to our souls, and to foster greater discipleship among our members and friends. With Christ as our anchor, and the Holy Spirit as the wind in our sails, we are poised for new experiences on the wide-open seas. It may be a bit frightening at times, but we know that sailboats weren’t meant to stay in harbors.      

As always, financial resources are a key piece of the puzzle as we discern our future together. Pledging financial support to Bethany is helpful to the session in preparing an operating budget for 2023. Truth be told, we are not sure how much longer we’ll be able to sustain Bethany in its current configuration with a full-time pastor and a huge facility in great need of attention. Session is creating a plan for the coming year —but we aren’t exactly sure what it will look like yet. In January, the Presbyterian Foundation will host a congregation meeting, sharing with us some helpful advice concerning our options.  

We ask your prayers during this time of great uncertainty. We put our trust in God to lead us into a new chapter in the life of Bethany; it may look radically different from the days of old, but we know that God’s love upholds us in all times and circumstances. Everyone is encouraged to bring your pledges to worship on Sunday, November 20—Pledge Sunday—where they will be consecrated. You can turn in your pledges to the office, as well.    

We are grateful for the generosity of Bethany’s members and friends, and we thank you for participating in the life of this blessed community! Let’s all take a deep breath, offer a prayer, and take Christ’s hand as we hoist the sails for this new adventure on the high seas!


Rev. Jesse B. Larson