Friends in Faith—
The second Sunday of Advent is focused on the theme of "peace." Our scripture passage will be from Mark 1:1-8 - concerning John the Baptist calling for us to prepare the way of the Lord! As our Advent journey of anticipation continues, we'll spend some time reflecting on what we should bring along with us, as well as what would be wisest to leave behind.
Musicians John Doolittle and Sherry McHurd Hanson will join with pianist Natalya Guerrero to create some very special music. And during our “moment for mission” we will hear from Rev. Dr Stephen Moon, who directs the Presbyterian-based “Mosaics” ministry in Davis. Jim Guida is always ready with a message for the children, so bring the little ones with you to church!
As we continue with our 40 Days of Prayer, Cathy Sapunor, our webmaster, has created a handy link which will guide you to each daily prayer via our webpage:
And if anyone has seen a men's xxl black Northface raincoat - it's mine! I left it in the kitchen and it seems to have wandered off somewhere. Thanks!!
"40 Days of Prayer" is in its secon week. This is part of our participation in Project Regeneration—a Presbyterian Foundation project. 40 Days of Prayer promises to be a powerful faith experience. Click here for details.
It’s not too late to submit your pledge for 2023. You can also mail your pledge card to the office. Your pledge helps our Budget and Stewardship Commission create a budget for the coming year. Thank you!
We'll be showing "Mission: Joy" featuring Bishop Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama on Monday, December 12, starting 10 a.m.
On December 24, Christmas Eve, our worship service will begin at 5 p.m. Immediately following our service, we'll have a gathering in our fellowship hall to sing carols together!
On January 8, we'll be having our workshop and congregational meeting with the Presbyterian Foundation immediately following worship. This event will be four hours long, so we hope you can clear the day! A delicious lunch will be provided!