Honoring Those Who Serve as Caregivers

October 5, 2022

Friends in Faith:

This coming Sunday, October 9, we'll be spending some time honoring caregivers. Most of us will serve as caregivers at some point of our lives; it's almost like a rite of passage to help loved ones as they move towards their end of their lives. It's a very intense time for all involved, full of emotion and stress. Jesus' life was marked by compassion and deep concern for all. So let's gather together remember our foundation of faith that anchors us during all times of chaotic lives. Our text will be from Luke 5:17-20.

As always, the worship service will begin at 10:30 a.m. Gathering music by pianist Natalya Amelchenko starts around 10:20 a.m. Folks can join from home on Facebook. (You can also watch prior services at any time here.) Consider asking a friend to join you in person at the service … or start a “watch party” on your Facebook account!




  • On Sunday, October 9, immediately following worship, a short film will be presented in our Fellowship Hall entitled "The Chosen.This is a new series concerning the life of Jesus. A light lunch will be served.

  • Lots happening at Zephyr Point! Bethany will be represented at the annual "Ethnic Concerns Conference" (Oct. 7-9) at Zephyr Point. Elder Jackie Sneed will be attending. Then I'll be participating in the Presbytery's "Pastors' Conference" at Zephyr Point from October 10-12. In addition, there will be at least of our Bethany youth group alumni representing us at Zephyr Point's “Sprucing Up in the Pines" volunteer work weekend October 14-16.

  • On Sunday, October 16, we'll be participating in a Taize-style worship service; we'll sing some new songs and practice "Lectio Divina"—a way of reading and hearing scripture. We'll also have the opportunity to walk a labyrinth—an ancient Christian practice for prayer, centering, and discernment. The labyrinth prep morning will be Friday, Oct. 14 (starting 10 a.m.). Cathy Sapunor would appreciate anyone available to help. We also plan to discuss Chapter 8 of Sailboat Church after worship on Sunday, Oct. 16.

  • Sunday, October 23 is "Education Sunday.” We'll explain some of the practices and theology of Presbyterian worship service. Then, at 4 p.m, we'll be hosting our annual "Blessing of the Pets" in our parking lot. Come by to participate in this fun, informal time with our furry family members.

  • Sunday, October 30 is "Reformation Sunday.” We'll celebrate our unique voice in Christianity. Later in the day, at 3 p.m., all are invited to our "Trunk or Treat" event for children and families There will be food, games, treats—it's gonna be a lot of fun, so save the date!

  • Monday, October 31 - Volunteer Day at the SSIP Food Closet. We'll spend the better part of the morning filling bags with foods for the many clients of this special ministry. Click here for details.

  • We have two memorial services coming up for two beloved members—Donna Roberts and Gail Powell. Donna's service will be on Sunday, November 6 at 3:30 p.m. and Gail's will be on Saturday, November 19 at 3:30 p.m. We no longer have deacons or a fellowship commission, so if you are able to volunteer and serve as a greeter for one or both of these services, that would be great.

We lift our many prayers to our Lord, trusting that God hears our prayers and stands by us through good times and bad. John 14:27 declares, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."
