Never a Shortage of Important Topics to Discuss, Celebrate & Acknowledge

June 14, 2022

Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

This coming Sunday, June 19, is Father's Day and also Juneteenth—celebrating the emancipation of African American people under the terms of the 1862 Emancipation Proclamation. There is never a shortage of important topics to discuss, celebrate, acknowledge, etc. in our nation and in our churches. On Sunday, we'll be focusing on the incredible grace of God as described to us through the Parable of the Prodigal Son from Luke 15:11-32. We'll be singing five hymns: God is Here; Cry of My Heart; Softly and Tenderly, Jesus is Calling; Grace Alone and This is My Maker's World.

As always, the worship service will begin at 10:30 a.m. Gathering music starts around 10:20 a.m. Folks can join from home on Facebook. (You can also watch prior services at any time here.) Consider asking a friend to join you in person at the service … or start a “watch party” on your Facebook account!


  • Please note that the office will be closed on Monday, June 20th in recognition of the Juneteenth holiday. 

  • Bethany’s Spiritual Formation Discussion/Lunch Group continues to gather every other week for a special time of sharing, discussion and fellowship. We'll be meeting on June 27th at 10 a.m. to continue our discussion of a recent article from The Presbyterian Outlook entitled #Trust Black Women. We have several copiesof the magazine if you are interested in joining us. The magazines are available on the table outside of the sanctuary, or you can contact the chair of Spiritual Formation, Jackie Sneed, for more information.  Lunch will be served—we hope you'll join us!

  • Bethany’s annual "Friends and Family Retreat" at Zephyr Point is August 12-14. Last Sunday was the deadline to register, but a few spaces are still available. Click here for information.


A handful of churches in our Presbytery, including Bethany, have decided to partake in Project Regeneration to help us to discern what the next chapter will be for Bethany. It is a process that our entire congregation will participate in. At the end of this month, we'll begin a book study together: Sailboat Church by Joan S. Gray. You'll be invited to meet in small groups every other week to discuss a chapter of the book. We'll then commit to a time of 40 days of prayer in November and December. On January 8, the Presbyterian Foundation will host a workshop and congregational meeting for us to share our reflections about the book and our time of intensive prayer. The hope is that we will then be able to take solid steps towards a plan that makes sense for us in this unique time and place.

It’s hard to believe that it's already June in the year 2022. The months fly by, and we find ourselves bombarded every week with lots of heavy blows—from mass shootings to wildfires, war in Ukraine to economic uncertainty. It seems so much of life is changing so quickly—it can feel as though we are on an unending roller coaster ride. In order to help us weather the many storms of life, and to better tune ourselves into the many blessings that continue to surround us, I encourage us all to continue to cultivate an active prayer life. Even pausing for a few minutes at the ending or beginning of each day can help us to feel supported in all that we carry with us. Generations of the faithful have prayed to God in good times and in difficult times, and God has promised to hear us and to help bear our burdens.

If you have a prayer concern you'd like to share with our church family, please let me or office manager Maria Mar know.  We also have a special page on our web site dedicated to sharing prayer concerns; click here to send a prayer request by e-mail.

Please join in praying for all the families, teachers, caregivers, etc. in Uvalde, Buffalo, Laguna Hills, and all other places affected by violence. 

Philippians 4:6-7 reminds us, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

May it be so.
