Confronted By COVID

May 18, 2022

Friends in Faith—

It's been just about a week since I tested positive for COVID-19. The good news is that my symptoms have been mild—in many ways, COVID has manifested itself like a cold. The bad news, after having taken an antigen test this morning, is that I'm still testing as positive for COVID. Unfortunately, it's taking a while to heal; I'm still very congested and stuffy. But I'm seeing little improvements each day. 

So we'll see what Saturday brings. I'll test myself again then.  If I test positive, I will remain in quarantine and our Worship and Arts Commission volunteers will then take the lead on worship. If I test negative, I will then lead worship. As we monitor the news, we are learning that infections are rising quickly in the Sacramento area—so it is advisable to mask-up during worship and in other activities in our building.

If I am able to lead worship this Sunday, May 21, I still hope to unpack what may be one of the most challenging texts of the entire Bible: Jesus' call to love our enemies. In a world that is seems to be growing increasingly intolerant and fractured, we are in need of this powerful challenge given to us by our Savior. Why is it important to love our enemies? How do we love our enemies; is it even possible?   

We'll gather this Sunday to sing together, to pray together, and to hear God's Word proclaimed regarding these important verses from Matthew 5:38-48.

As always, the worship service will begin at 10:30 a.m. Pianist Natalya Amelchenko begins playing gathering music at 10:20 a.m. Folks can join from home on Facebook. (You can also watch prior services at any time here.) Consider asking a friend to join you in person at the service … or start a “watch party” on your Facebook account!


  • It's never too early to begin making summer plans; our annual "Friends and Family Retreat" at Zephyr Point is August 12-14. Mark your calendars. Click here for information.

  • On Saturday, June 4th, the "Covenant Network of Presbyterians" is offering a day-long seminar entitled, "Becoming Inclusive and Welcoming: The Journey toward Affirming GLBTQIA+ People in the Church." We know that our denomination, like many others, hasn't always been very welcoming to GLBTQIA+ folks, and Bethany has a particularly painful past regarding this issue. All churches and all of us can always be better informed and better about welcoming people of all backgrounds. For more information about this special live opportunity, click here. You can watch the videocast of an earlier seminar here.

  • The SSIP Food Closet continues to feed thousands each month.  Unfortunately, with inflation and supply-chain issues, the need for free food remains very high. Because the many demands on their expanded operation, SSIP is considering a "site expansion" which may happen on Bethany's property, or they may need to relocate elsewhere. Our Session is in communication with SSIP and we are all exploring various options. Whatever decisions are made, SSIP needs the support of the sponsor churches to cover their many costs and to fulfill their mission. Please consider making a donation of money or dry/canned goods (we collect them monthly at Bethany on the 1st Sunday of the month). And they can always use volunteers: to serve clients, to serve on the board, to pick up food from grocery stores, etc. Click on the link above for more details and the latest newsletter.

As a faith community, we have the privilege of being able to journey with one another through a chaotic and beautiful world, full of many highs and lows. We celebrate one another's victories, and we hold one another in prayer during those times of pain, fear, and loss. If you have prayers that you would like to share with our community, please contact me or Office Manager Maria Mar. Also, be sure to indicate if you'd like your prayer to be shared, or if you'd like it to be held in confidentiality. 

God hears all of our prayers, and in Christ, we find healing, wholeness, and new beginnings. With each passing day, the Spirit of God is presenting us with new opportunities of love and grace. No matter what comes our way, all roads lead to Jesus—thanks be to God!  

Violence and warfare continue to be waged in Ukraine and many other nations around the world. We pray for peace, healing, and new beginnings for all of those in the midst of such circumstances.

Blessings to all,