September 8, 2021
Friends in Faith,
As summer winds to a close and young people return to school, so begins another program year at Bethany Presbyterian Church! We were all hoping that, by now, the COVID pandemic would be long behind us. But, alas, that is not the case. On top of that, the storms of the past few weeks have wreaked incredible damage throughout our nation. Here in California, many wildfires continue to rage, and we are facing a recall election—yet another sign of our political divisions. And all of our hearts break concerning the situation in Afghanistan. God, we are tired and weary, and longing for hope and nourishment for our spirits. Now, more than ever, we need our faith and our worshiping community. Whether we gather physically or virtually, it's important to be "together."
This coming Sunday is "Homecoming Sunday”—we'll be kicking off the new program year with worship, our annual meeting, and then … ice cream! The annual meeting immediately follows worship, and it's a time for checking in on the work of our commissions, electing new elders and deacons, and reviewing our budget and finances. All Bethany members are encouraged to attend.
We hope to see you on Sunday … and you might consider bringing a friend! Please remember to wear a mask, as we obey the mandates of Sacramento County and the CDC. If you are not feeling well, or have a fever, we request that you stay home and join with us in worship via Facebook Live.
Please note that you can always watch services any time you'd like here.
Next Sunday, September 19, we'll be having an "All Music and Arts Sunday." Jim Guida, the chair of our Worship and Arts Commission, is requesting folks to share a song, spiritual poetry, dance, or lectionary readings. Or if you'd like to simply request a hymn, let us know. Please contact Jim if you are interested!
On September 26, we'll be worshiping with Grace Presbyterian Church. Details to follow.
October 3 is "World Communion Sunday" and we'll also be ordaining/installing our new elders and deacons. Then, later in the day, we'll be having a "Drive-thru Blessing of the Animals" at 4 p.m.
We are searching for a child care provider for Sunday mornings from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. The position pays minimum wage, and we are looking for someone to begin as soon as possible. Help spread the word and reach out to Jim Guida, chair of the Worship and Arts Commission, if you have any further questions.
We pray for all the victims of the recent hurricanes as well as those who have suffered due to wildfires.
Our hearts are very heavy as we see the turmoil in Afghanistan. We pray that cool heads would prevail, and that the U.S. and other nations would do all they can to help so many people fearing for their lives. We also lift to you the families of our two adopted Afghan families. They are terribly concerned for their family members who remain back home.
We pray for the people of Haiti who are trying to rebuild after another terrible earthquake. Violence and political instability hold a tight grip to this poor island nation, which makes rescue and rebuilding efforts much more complicated. We pray that we can share more of our nation's wealth to help Haiti and other nations in such need—may the spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood blow through our world.
This Saturday is the 20th anniversary of 9/11. I thought I would share this litany with you all:
On this day we remember the fear and the anger, the shock and the chaos that shrouded our nation 20 years ago. We cried out that day for answers, for peace, for justice. We shed countless tears for lives lost, for families ripped apart, for people missing and injured.
We will not forget the beauty of each soul that fell that day—the promise that their lives held, the hopes they had for the future.
We remember the 2,606 innocent victims of the Twin Towers. Abide with us, God.
We remember the 125 innocent victims at the Pentagon. Abide with us, God.
We remember the 246 innocent victims on the airplanes. Abide with us, God.
We remember the first responders—the police and firefighters and paramedics—who faced the chaos with unimaginable courage to save and give hope to all that they could. We remember those who survived and the 411 who perished in the line of duty. Abide with us, God.
Holy God, we know that you hold their lives in your hands. Though they have fallen here, they are not lost forever. Through your Spirit, you have lifted them up, close to your heart where there is no more death or sorrow or crying or pain.
We cry out to you once more this day, Almighty God. Give us the courage to be peacemakers, to carry on in love, to have hearts uncorrupted by hatred. Speak to those who would be lured by the power and madness, the violence and the evil that is terrorism in our world. Show them that this seeming power is never the final victor. Touch their hearts so that they may see that love is stronger than death, that goodness is stronger than evil, that light casts out all darkness. Give them a way forward so that the world may be a home for all of us.
Gracious God, hear our prayer. Amen.
Please continue to share your prayer concerns with the church so that our prayer chain volunteers may respond in prayer. As always, prayer requests are confidential unless you otherwise state.
May we trust that God hears all of our prayers, and in Christ, we find healing, wholeness, and new beginnings. Even in the midst of chaotic days and tremendous change, the Spirit of God is presenting us with new opportunities of love each and everyday. No matter what comes our way, all roads lead to Jesus—thanks be to God!
Blessings to all,