August 16, 2021
Friends in Faith,
Our hearts are very heavy as we see the turmoil in Afghanistan. We pray that cool heads would prevail, and that the U.S. and other nations would do all they can to help so many people fearing for their lives. We also lift to you the families of our two adopted Afghan families. They are terribly concerned for their family members who remain back home.
We pray for the people of Haiti who have just suffered another horrific earthquake. Violence and political instability hold a tight grip on this poor island nation, which makes rescue and rebuilding efforts much more complicated. We pray that we can share more of our nation's wealth to help Haiti and other nations in such need—may the spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood blow through our world.
Our group of 20-some friends just returned from a wonderful retreat at Zephyr Point at Lake Tahoe. The “Friends and Family" retreat was a special time to get away from our routines, enjoy a gorgeous slice of God's creation, and reflect about the ways that the arts have all sorts of spiritual components. We did poetry, we sang, we painted, we danced, and we worshiped together. We are eager to find ways to bring some of the magic from this retreat back to our congregation. Stay tuned!
Presque Isle State Park in Erie, Pennsylvania
Rowena and I are headed back east for two weeks of vacation. The photo shown here is of Presque Isle State Park in Erie, Pennsylvania. My parents live in Erie, and we visit this peninsula—full of beaches, boats, and wildlife—most days. I hope that you all still have some soul-nourishing plans as the summer winds down, as we know the fall will resume with much energy as it always does.
While I am away, our session (Janice Douglas, Kathy Frank, Barbara Greene, Jim Guida, Mary Harbison, Debbie Leibrock, Dolores McMackin, Cathy Sapunor, Trisha Uhrhammer) will be available to respond to any pastoral care issues, as will Rev. Judy Davis and Rev. Janice Kamikawa. It is a blessing to be a part of such a caring, gifted community.
This coming Sunday (August 22) Rev. Judy Davis will be leading worship. The following Sunday (August 29) Rev. Judy Davis and Rev. Janice Kamikawa will jointly lead the worship service. We hope to see you soon—and you might consider bring a friend! Please remember to wear a mask, as we obey the mandates of Sacramento County and the CDC. If you are not feeling well, or have a fever, we request that you stay home and join with us in worship via Facebook Live.
Also, please note that you can always watch services any time you'd like here. We are also working on securing a few hearing aids for people to use at our services as well.
We are searching for a child care provider for Sunday mornings from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. The position pays minimum wage, and we are looking for someone to begin as soon as possible. Help spread the word and reach out to Jim Guida, chair of the Worship and Arts Commission, if you have any further questions.
Our Annual Congegrational Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, September 12, immediately following the worship service. During this meeting, we vote in new elders and deacons, and we approve the pastor's salary package. September 12 will be "Homecoming Sunday" as we begin a new program year together at Bethany—more details to follow.
As we look towards the fall, we are frustrated that the Delta Variant is surging, and we are still struggling to come together as a nation to beat COVID-19. Who would have thought that wearing a mask to protect others could be so controversial?
May we trust that God hears all of our prayers, and in Christ, we find healing, wholeness, and new beginnings. Even in the midst of chaotic days and tremendous change, the Spirit of God is presenting us with new opportunities of love each and everyday. No matter what comes our way, all roads lead to Jesus—thanks be to God!
Blessings to all,