“How good and pleasant it is when brothers and sisters live together in unity.”
September 22, 2021
Friends in Faith,
This coming Sunday—September 26th—we'll be worshiping with Grace Presbyterian Church, which is a beloved congregation that was birthed out of Bethany through our endeavors to welcome Vietnamese immigrants into our community in the ‘70s and ‘80s. Please note that we will NOT have our normal 10:30 a.m. service—everyone is invited to attend this joint service at 1 p.m. in the sanctuary both churches share at Bethany. Pastor Philip Trinh will be leading the service. Grace Presbyterian Church upholds the same safety standards that we do—so wear masks and practice social distancing.
Those unable to attend may view live in two ways:
You may also view the service later in an edited version on Bethany’s website.
We hope you'll join us—either physically or virtually—for this special time of joint worship with our sisters and brothers from Grace Presbyterian Church!
October 3 is "World Communion Sunday" and we'll also be ordaining/installing our new elders and deacons. Do you have a small cultural item you would like to place on our communion table for World Communion Sunday: fabric, a basket, a trinket? Let Cathy Sapunor know and we can make arrangements for it to be featured on the communion table.
Also, on October 3, we'll be having a "Drive-thru Blessing of the Animals" at 4 p.m. Simply load your dog, cat, bird, turtle … whatever! … into your car and drive to the church parking lot; enter on the 24th Street side. There will be music and a special message to enjoy on your car radio while you wait your turn for your pets to receive a personal blessing. We'll have a goody bag for you to take home with you.
All are welcome to join our book study of Madeleine L'Engle's "A Wrinkle in Time" on Monday, October 4 and Monday, October 11—from 10 a.m-11:30 a.m. We'll be meeting in-person, but there will also be a Zoom option, too. Copies of the book are available in the office for the price of $4/book.
On Sunday, October 10, we'll be having a service of "healing and wholeness" during our 10:30 a.m. time of worship.
On Wednesday, November 11, there will be a "Lunch and Learn" event. We'll be making Advent wreaths together and then enjoying a delicious meal. Details to follow.
We are searching for a child care provider for Sunday mornings from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. The position pays minimum wage, and we are looking for someone to begin as soon as possible. Help spread the word and reach out to Jim Guida, chair of the Worship and Arts Commission, if you have any further questions.
O God of Creation, you have blessed us with the changing of the seasons.
As we welcome the autumn months,
may the earlier setting of the sun
remind us to take time to rest.
May the brilliant colors of the leaves
remind us of the wonder of your creation.
May the steam of our breath in the cool air
remind us that it is you who give us the breath of life.
May the harvest from the fields remind us of the abundance we have been given
and bounty we are to share with others.
May the dying of summer's spirit remind us of your great promise
that death is temporary and life is eternal.
We praise you for your goodness forever and ever. Amen.
Blessings on all,
Rev. Jesse