Healing, Wholeness and New Beginnings

I returned last night from my recent time away in the Midwest. It was wonderfully restorative, and I look forward to sharing some of my experiences with all of you. In addition to participating in lots of meaningful conversations and enjoying time in God's creation (the photo below is of the Mississippi River in La Crosse, Wisconsin). I also read a great book entitled Falling Upward by Richard Rohr. I highly recommend it, and I hope to use it for a book study during Advent. It's a quick, stimulating read full of wisdom for our faith journey. You'll be hearing more about it in the coming weeks.

This coming Sunday our scripture lesson will be from Mark 8:22-26 — Jesus healing the blind man at Bethsaida. We'll be worshiping at 10:30 a.m. and folks can also join from home on Facebook. (You can also watch services at any time here.) Following the guidelines of Sacramento County and the CDC, we continue to practice social distancing and require masks while worshiping together in person. If you plan to attend a worship service at the church, you can find out more about our safety protocols here.

Immediately following worship, everyone is invited to join us for a time of fellowship. Be sure to stop by the tables near the Social Hall, where treasures have been excavated from storage areas in the church and are waiting for you to take home. Everything is free and first-come, first-served! There is a rumor that some are Ebay-worthy, so be sure to check them out! And a big THANK YOU to the good folks who spent last Saturday morning bringing these to you!

Mississippi River in La Crosse, Wisconsin

Mississippi River in La Crosse, Wisconsin



  • Sunday, October 31 - Reformation Sunday. There will be a bagpiper and Scottish treats in honor of the Presbyterian Church’s foundation in Scotland.

  • Sunday, November 7 - All Saints Day. We'll honor all of those saints we have loved and lost, and who know rest in peace with their Creator. If you have a name you'd like read at this special service, please share the information with the office by Wednesday, November 3. Bring photos of dearly departed loved ones for display in on one of the memorial tables after the worship service. PLUS
    join us in folding and creating origami cranes in memory of those we honor and love. Each person will be given a bowl to take home to fill with the origami cranes you fold and an LED candle to fill the bowl with light. All materials will be provided.

  • We are looking for liturgists and ushers for worship. Or perhaps you might like to help run our sound board or camera for worship? Would this be something you'd like to do? Let me know!

  • We are once again collecting canned goods/dry goods during worship. Please bring in your donations on the 1st Sunday of the month — Communion Sunday. The donations will be given to the good work of the SSIP Food Closet.

  • Wednesday, November 10, will be a "Lunch and Learn" event. We'll be making Advent wreaths together and then enjoying a delicious meal.

  • Our annual Stewardship Campaign begins in November—stay tuned!

As a faith community, we have the privilege of being able to journey with one another through a chaotic and beautiful world, full of many highs and lows. We celebrate one another's victories, and we hold one another in prayer during those times of pain, fear, and loss. If you have prayers that you would like to share with our community, please contact myself or Maria. Also, be sure to indicate if you'd like your prayer to be shared, or if you'd like it to be held in confidentiality.

One of our members and a friend to many, Agnes Smith, passed away last Friday, October 15. We are still waiting to determine what funeral arrangements will be made. Our prayers are with Agnes' family.

Several Bethany members and friends are volunteering this weekend at Zephyr Point Conference Center at Lake Tahoe for their annual "Sprucing Up of the Pines" event. We wish this crew safe travels and prayers of gratitude for their work.

God hears all of our prayers, and in Christ, we find healing, wholeness and new beginnings. With each passing day, the Spirit of God is presenting us with new opportunities of love and grace. No matter what comes our way, all roads lead to Jesus — thanks be to God!

Blessings on all,