Ringing in the New Year



Merry Christmas to you all! I hope that your celebrations and merry-making are continuing even as we continue to make our way through this current lockdown and into the new year. At least you have a good excuse in order to enjoy lots of yummy foods!

Dr. May Tucker has gifted us with a few more carols to sing-along to. Click here to enjoy the music.

Just a reminder that our building remains closed and all staff are on vacation this week. The building will be open again on Monday, January 4th, but we request that you try to save your church business for later in the month when the lockdown is lifted. Stay home and stay safe!

All are welcome to join us for our Facebook Live worship service at 10:20 a.m. on Sundays via this link:  https://www.facebook.com/bethpres.  Invite your friends to join us!  This Sunday (January 3) we are celebrating "Christmastide" and next Sunday, January, 10, we'll celebrate Epiphany or “Three Kings Day,” when the magi visited the infant Jesus. 

Then, immediately following this service, all are invited to our Zoom worship service which begins around 11:10 a.m.  You can find the link to this service, as well as our other Zoom meetings (Tuesday Bible studies and Wednesday check-ins—both beginning at 11 a.m.) here. Our Tuesday Zoom Bible studies and our Wednesday Zoom check-ins will resume this next week (on 1/5 and 1/6).  

Have a safe, healthy and happy start to 2021!
