Gifts of the Everyday

For our Bethany family and friends—

We are now only two days away from the big day—Christmas 2020! Many of us have ambivalent feelings about this normally jubilant day because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the current lockdown in which we find ourselves. For many of us, Christmas will be spent alone and the only way we might connect with our loved ones via a screen. It's definitely not an ideal way to spend Christmas. 

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But, as always, God's Spirit is presenting us with gifts every day of our journey. The pandemic hasn't stopped us from finding creative ways to connect, nor has it been able to suppress the power of love and hope. 

Several of us gathered via Zoom for the annual "Write Christmas" event led by Rev. Judy Davis. So many shared beautiful poems and reflections. Our new office manager, Maria Mar, shared a reflection that seems to speak to our current predicament in a special way.  I am sharing her reflection below; thanks for sharing, Maria!  

Tomorrow, we’ll be sending you all another email which includes the link for our Christmas Eve service.  It’s a pre-recorded service that you can watch via YouTube (and we’ll place the link on Facebook, too); you’ll see so many familiar faces, you’ll hear lots of beautiful music, God’s Word will be proclaimed, and we pray it will warm your hearts!  

All are welcome to join us for our Facebook Live worship service at 10:20 a.m. on Sunday via thi llink:  .  Invite your friends to join us! This Sunday, December 27, Jim Guida will be leading our service. 

Then, immediately following this service, all are invited to our Zoom worship service which begins around 11:00 a.m. Click here for the link to this service, as well as our other Zoom meetings.

Please note that we will NOT be having our normal Tuesday Zoom Bible study and Wednesday Zoom check-in this coming week (December 29 & 30). We’ll resume again the following week.          

Also note that Bethany will be closed from 12/25/20-1/1/21. Staff will be on vacation.  In the event of an emergency, please contact a member of Session. Also, because we are in the midst of another three-week county-ordered lockdown, we request that folks suspend any church business they have for another date later in January when it’s safer to do so. We isolate now so that when we can all gather together again, no one will be missing!  

 Dr. May Tucker has provided with another mid-week gift of favorite carols to sing along to at home.  Today’s carols are “What Child is This?” and “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.” Click here to enjoy!

I’ve assembled a small Christmas carol book if you’d like to do more singing from home. Click here to view/download it.


Maria's Christmas 2020 reflection:

My Christmas memory harkens back to my teen years in the 1980’s.

There was disappointment.  I do not remember the exact reason for the disappointment.  My guess is that one or both of my parents was unable to attend my junior high choir concert.  

I sat on the couch and cried my eyes out – figuratively speaking.

Then, the surprise happened!

As the tears were streaming down my face and the snot was gathering in my nose, I noticed the Christmas tree lights were a swirl.  Through tears and narrow eye openings simple lights took on a life of their own.  The lights grew, streaked and danced through the darkness.

I gleefully watched the lights make their magic, as my tears slowly and imperceptibly dried.  Before I knew it, I was smiling.

And there is an irony, when the tears stopped, the lights went back to their one dimensional appearance.

Last night I cried my eyes out.  Once again disappointment caught me unprepared. Once again I lamented the absence of a loved one at an important moment.

 Last night’s cry was so full of despair.  I did not think to turn on my tree lights.  I went straight into my dark bedroom and I shut my eyes to all light.

Lament, sorrow, when received with open eyes and honest tears, can surprise and delight; as long as we do not go into a dark lonely room alone.

 So let the tears flow, but turn on the Christmas lights first.

—Maria Mar