Worshiping Together Safely – UPDATED MAY 5, 2024


Here are the guidelines we ask that “in person” worship service participants follow in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic:

  • The wearing of masks indoors is optional if you have undergone initial COVID-19 vaccinations and are current with boosters. Please wear a mask if you feel more comfortable doing so. Disposable masks and hand sanitizer are available at every worship service.

  • Instead of passing around the attendance pads, we will have our greeter(s) welcome you and note your presence.

  • Similarly, the offering plate will not be passed. Baskets will be available for your offering.

  • During the “passing of the peace” we will continue to refrain from shaking hands; please wave at others instead and give a sign of peace to them.

  • You have your choice of accepting communion from the pastor (who will be using plastic gloves) or by using an individually wrapped package.

  • During the social time following the worship service, please observe hand-washing and food safety protocols.

  • We suggest you continue to keep appropriate distance between you and non-family members. There is ample room in the sanctuary to enable everyone to “spread out.”

  • Please do not attend if you are feeling unwell or running a fever.

  • If you become ill following a worship service, please contact the church office ASAP.

  • We encourage everyone to have an annual flu shot! Plus a pneumonia shot, if you are in a high-risk category.

  • Bethany Presbyterian Church continues to operate in compliance with Sacramento County Health COVID-19 mandates.

  • Services will continue to be available for viewing at home live on Facebook.


  • During the worship service, the sole entrance to the church building will be through the sanctuary doors. All other exterior doors will be locked during that time.

  • Those leaving the sanctuary during the worship service are asked, for safety reasons, to return to the sanctuary through the interior hallways (not exiting the building).

  • During the worship service, if you feel uncomfortable about a situation, or an individual, please notify one of the church members in the back row.

  • Be sure to wipe up spills (note: it is OK to leave a paper towel on the spot so folks know it is wet) … or to place a safety cone over damp areas to prevent others from slipping. Safety cones are available in the church kitchen.

  • After dark, please enter and exit the building using the buddy system.