What's Happening

We give thanks for Rev. David Antonson who led yesterday's worship service, and to Trisha Uhrhammer for serving as liturgist.

This coming Sunday (Sept. 22), please welcome the return of Rev. Rola Al Ashkar!

The Worship Team is enlisting people to serve as liturgists (readers) for Sunday morning services. The task is not difficult: you will receive the prayer(s) you are to read several days in advance, and you will have a chance to practice with the microphone ahead of time. Contact Barbara Greene if you have questions or are interested!

Already signed up for the next few weeks are:
September 22 — Kathy Frank
September 29 — Wendy Aiello
October 6 — Cathy Sapunor

TODAY—Monday morning, September 16—join us for a discussion drawn from the acclaimed book “The Chosen: 40 Days with Jesus.” Leader Barbara Greene will guide a discussion of the topic "Reset." The gathering takes place at the church starting 10 a.m. and wraps up around 12:30 p.m. following a free lunch.* Come and enjoy a lively discussion in air conditioned comfort! All are welcome; no RSVPs are required. Manh Ong is cooking lunch!

Zephyr Point Presbyterian Conference Center at Lake Tahoe is in need of individuals and families to help “winterize” the buildings and grounds Friday evening (October 11) through Sunday morning (October 13). All ages can help! The deadline to register has just passed, but you can probably call Zephyr Point to be added. The phone number is (775) 588-1095. Click here for more details.

World Communion Sunday is October 6 ... and we need your "international" items for display on the worship table that day. Souvenirs from travels, items that reflect your family heritage—all will have a place of honor. Bring them to the worship service with you that morning!

Our annual Blessing of the Pets returns the afternoon of Sunday, October 6. This brief outdoor service starts at 4 p.m. and everyone is asked to please bring their pets to receive a special blessing. Many thanks to Jim Guida for officiating at this service. Click here for more details. P.S. If you would like to help as a greeter, with set-up, bring or serve refreshments, assemble gift packets, etc., contact Cathy Sapunor.

Presbyterian Women will resume their twice-monthly Bible study on Thursday, October 10, at 10 a.m. Show up at 9:30 for refreshments and social time. The book "Tending the Wild Garden: Growing in the Fruit of the Spirit" will be read and discussed. CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS.

After the Sunday, October 20, worship service,Trisha Uhrhammer will lead a discussion on ballot measures, accompanied by a free lunch. RSVPs are requested so that enough materials (and food) are available.CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO.

Our next Five on the Fifth” Monday Food Closet volunteer morning is September 30. Many thanks to those who have already signed up to help that day! They are: Marcie Hettenbach, Andy and Kathy Kingsbury, Manh Ong and Tom Uhrhammer, We already have two volunteers lined up for our December 30th volunteer morning. Watch for sign-ups, coming in October!

Sunday, Oct. 27 is Reformation Sunday, when we celebrate the movement that created the Protestant Church—AND the Scottish heritage that is Presbyterian. There will be special Scottish treats to enjoy during the coffee hour. And perhaps we will again have a bagpiper!?

Sunday, Nov. 3 is All Saints Sunday—a time to remember and honor deceased loved ones ... the "saints" of our lives. Light a candle during the worship service and bring photos of dearly departed family, friends and pets for display during the coffee hour.

Wednesday, Dec. 11—we'll have carpools for folks to enjoy a morning of free Christmas concerts at the State Capitol rotunda. Specifics coming in November.

Monday, Dec. 30, is the last Food Closet volunteer morning this year. Sign-ups are coming in October. We already have two people signed up to help!

PLEASE ALSO PRAY FOR members and friends of our extended Bethany family, as well as those of our community, who are experiencing health and financial challenges, loss, loneliness, anxiety and depression. We pray for guidance as we continue to focus on plans for Bethany's future. Please pray for the leaders of all nations, that they may choose peaceful resolutions to conflict.