2024 C

... sharing the wonder.

Imagine getting into a car … with no one behind the steering wheel. Traveling down city streets, halting quite nicely at red lights, merging smoothly into crowded lanes and waiting for crossing pedestrians … with no collisions (nor even any close calls). A couple of Bethany folks recently dared to try out one of the new driverless cabs in Scottsdale, Arizona, and were astounded at the experience. 

The hired vehicle arrived right on time and in just the right place, lights flashing a welcome. Once the doors automatically closed and seatbelts clicked, everything shifted into “trust mode.” There was nothing to do but, well, go along for the ride. There was no time to worry or dwell too heavily on what could go wrong. Instead, for the passengers, the sheer joy of this novel mode of transport overcame doubt and fear. The car—if it could talk—would have exclaimed over the laughter of the two customers who were clearly overcome with giddiness, wanting to shout out the car windows (if only they could figure out how to operate them): “This is amazing! You should try it!”

The woman Jesus met at the well was similarly bemused and excited. She was willing to hear what he told her … to suspend disbelief and have her eyes opened to a new way of thinking. “Give me this living water!” she told him, full of awe and wonder at his promise of life everlasting. She was eager to share her experience with others.

In what ways might we, too, shake off our doubts and be unafraid to try something new? And to be unafraid to live out our faith in a very public, very amazing way?

—Cathy Betts Sapunor

... letting God prepare us.

As you read this message in 90+ degree Sacramento weather, the person who wrote it is probably sitting in unrelenting rain at Manzanita Lake. Despite the prediction of lousy weather, she was heading up north to the mountains Sunday morning ... with this note scheduled to be "auto-sent" from the home computer on Tuesday.
 Now, a lot can happen between Sunday and Tuesday, so it's kind of a leap of faith to prepare something so far in advance. We can only hope that the information in this newsletter stays the same.
 Someone in our congregation (whose name won't be mentioned; initials are J.G.) likes to joke about the aftermath of spontaneous actions: "It's easier to seek forgiveness than permission." In that vein, we can probably accept that not everything can be planned ... and not everything planned turns out as, ahem, planned.

Perhaps the unpredictable nature of our lives keeps us on our toes. At the very least, our brain cells keep regenerating from the stimulation brought about by change. And our emotions get a good workout, too, when we realize we have come smack up against something unexpected. No milk for your morning coffee? A light rail train is stuck on the tracks and you'll be late for church? Lost the car keys/phone/wallet (again)? We scream and holler and wail in frustration, all the while trying to figure out alternatives.
 Oh, if only life was as reliable as the forecasts of meteorologists (and sometimes those guys get it wrong, too).

The old Scout motto "Be Prepared" is a good one; it reminds that we owe it to ourselves and others (and to God) to be capable and confident people—problem-solvers and peace-makers in a chaotic and crazy world. And to take a raincoat. Being prepared, though, is just that: having the tools and techniques to cope with new or different circumstances. It doesn't necessarily mean that we embrace what is happening, nor that it is we who are even in control. We might, for example, "be prepared" for a drought, when instead the heavens unleash a torrent and we end up treading floodwaters. It's just not fair! (Insert: yet more screaming, hollering and wailing.)

The bible tells us that there is a time, and a purpose, for everything. This is hard to understand when it seems things aren't going our way, when change is inevitable, when solutions aren't immediately obvious. (Or—as it often happens—when solutions are obvious to you, no one else "gets it" and you feel alone or angry or upset.)
 Self-reliant and resilient we may be, but we have to face the fact that it's not what we want—but what God wants for us—that is going to happen. Perhaps it's God who is doing the preparing.

Our hearts could sure use that.

—Cathy Betts Sapunor

... listening.

Remember this sign? It's one of hundreds Jim Guida created for the benefit of those driving by Bethany. Wonder how many of us church-goers noticed it at the time ...

We sure needed reminding of this important message after last Sunday's worship service, when we gathered for another of our "focus meetings" on Bethany's future. As we discussed management of our church building, in particular, tempers started flaring ... miscommunication reached a height ... and then a few impassioned voices pointed out that we share a common purpose: ministry. And that any decisions about our church should be based on that—first and foremost.

Some of us are already accepting that Bethany's congregation is an aging one, unable to muster sufficient money and volunteers to keep our building going. Others are still trying to figure out ways we can maintain the building on our own. And some are frustrated, or past caring, and have already "checked out" of the church, no longer attending. We miss them and their part of the conversation.

Wherever each of us is on the road to acceptance—for that is the end stage of the grief process—we owe it to each other to listen with respect and try to understand what is really being meant when people open their hearts to us. It's hard to do. But as Christians, we must do our best.

Something to ponder in the week ahead:

"An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge." —Proverbs 18:15

—Cathy Betts Sapunor

... being that one person.

Several of us went to the movies on Monday. We saw the new Christian film "The Forge," which focused on discipling. NOT discipline—although that does happen to be the root origin of "disciple." (Discipline comes from discipulus, the Latin word for student.) Through this movie we learned how one's life can be influenced through the attention and "shepherding" of someone who wholeheartedly believes in Christ. We witnessed the young man in the story blossoming as he began to find his way as a Christian. And we saw the unfailing strength of those who prayed for him to succeed.

It may "take a village" (as the saying goes) to effect positive change ... but often it can simply take the commitment and devotion of a single individual.

In the words of the evangelist Dwight L. Moody, "Small numbers make no difference to God. There is nothing small if God is in it."

We should never underestimate the power each one of us has within to make a difference in the world!

—Cathy Betts Sapunor

... thin spaces.

At this past weekend's church retreat, we talked about "thin places" ... those spaces in our world where we feel close to God. Zephyr Point Presbyterian Conference Center is—for many—one such place. With beautiful Lake Tahoe as a setting, surrounded by ages-old granite boulders and immensely tall pine trees, Zephyr Point has captured the hearts and souls of thousands who have visited it since its start 100 years ago. We are truly grateful and fortunate to have such a treasure in our own backyard (well, a mere two-hour drive away).

Still, as we discussed at the retreat, there are places like this all around us; if not already in existence, then waiting for us to create for ourselves. Perhaps there's a park nearby, or a special route you take while walking your dog. Or a community garden or local nature preserve. Is there a corner in your backyard you can transform into a quiet spot for reading scripture? Or a chair in your living room that you could designate for simply sitting and contemplating? Sometimes just having a mutually understood signal among your household that "I am now entering a sacred space" is enough to steady yourself and focus; check out the fun story written in 1955 by Ruth Bell Graham for Guideposts magazine. Get out your apron!

It might seem that seeking out or creating a "thin space" ... and visiting it regularly ... is just adding more activity to our already busy lives. But putting God first, and letting other things fall into place can really work. That "first" thing is eloquently expressed in Melissa Jean's vocal rendition of Psalm 27: "One thing that I desire from the Lord: that one thing will I seek for. That I may dwell in His house, and inquire in His temple; and behold the beauty of the Lord."

The Lord's house, and its promises of joy, security, uncompromising answers and profound acceptance, can be found not just in church on Sunday morning but at any time and in any place. Look around and discover where you best hear and respond to God. And make that your own "thin place."

—Cathy Betts Sapunor

... Christ moments.

Meeting again yesterday morning was the "Monday Group" ... Bethany's biweekly gathering of 10 or so individuals who find a lot in common despite owning distinctly different opinions and viewpoints. More and more, participants are opening up to each other—sharing dreams, disappointments, challenges and sorrows. We may have greeted each other months (or years) at Sunday morning worship services. Maybe sent (or received) the occasional birthday or "get well" card. Perhaps even served together on a committee or project. We may have thought we knew each other ... then along came the Monday Group and we discovered ... we really didn't. Not deeply, that is.

But now, by having met together for about a year, it seems natural to talk through what's troubling us, to truly listen to one another .. even to take issue with something somebody said or did that bothers us. These are all "Christ moments"—times we are asked to overlook what separates us and be assured of God's grace as we seek to do His will. Who would have thought that such intimacy and connection could evolve from something as basic as a book-and-Bible-study kind of activity?

Maybe it's not so surprising that this regular little gathering kind of defines what Bethany—now in its 110th year as a church—has come to: be a caring community that is both grounded in the past and yet not afraid to take risks. When we use our collective memories, honoring what we as a congregation have achieved and meant to so many over the decades, we renew ourselves as God's people. And renewal can lead to confidence and the willingness to look at everything through new eyes. Sometimes we might not like what we see. Sometimes we are afraid of what we might see. During these Christ moments, we are asked not just for our loving attention to God, but our patience as well. Like our relationships with one another, there is hidden depth waiting to be discovered.

—Cathy Betts Sapunor

… miracles.

Less than 90 miles north of us, the world is turning upside down for families and communities. Since its start (due to arson) in Chico last Wednesday the Park Fire now has encompassed 386,764 acres in four counties. Look at the combined effort it is taking to bring this disaster under control:

Several former (from the '70s) Bethany youth group members (Jim Crandell, David Betts and Steve Betts) have been using technology resources and professional contacts to follow the advance of the Park Fire, enabling Bethany's Prayer Team to direct prayers to affected individuals and neighborhoods. To these guys, monitoring the emergency channels is not just a hobby; for one of them (Steve, son of late Bethany member Bob Betts and brother of Cathy Betts Sapunor), it's been a gripping and tense week as his own home is within a quarter mile of where fire crews battled the blaze on Highway 32. Evacuated to Chico with his wife, three dogs and a cat (and all the "important" stuff that could be carried in their trailer), retired engineer Steve waited and watched (remotely) as the skills of all the fire fighting experts were put into play. In similar circumstances were several family members of Howard McMackin, whose properties were also threatened.

Bethany's Prayer Team prayed around the clock for a successful outcome. And for the safety of the fire fighters risking their lives. When the fire jumped Highway 32 on Thursday night, the situation looked grim. "I've already made peace with the house being gone, but maybe I'll be surprised," said Steve. Bethany's "prayer warriors" did not let up. And today Steve's wife Ali was able to write a message—as they prepared to return to the home miraculously saved by firefighters (a helicopter had even dropped water in their backyard to extinguish a "hot spot")—to say "thank you" to all who have been praying. "Thanks for the love," she says.

No firefighters' lives have been lost and the fire is nearly 18% controlled. Considering that just a day or so ago, the fire was 0% controlled, that's saying something. And it is amazing how these teams of fire experts have been able to come together—most not knowing each other until their arrival on the scene—and apply their collective skills and talents. Moreover, behind the scenes, community volunteers have stepped up to provide emergency housing for displaced residents and safe pastured space for large animals (horses and cattle, for example) which had to be evacuated. It's something to marvel at: how does everybody DO this on a moment's notice? How is everything coordinated so quickly and so well? Surely, as the Park Fire rages on, the hand of God is upon everybody and everything.

When we pray, miracles happen. We should look for them in not only big "inferno" situations but also in the small, humble circumstances of the everyday. In the words of Jesus, as recorded in Mark 9: 23, "Everything is possible for one who believes."

—Cathy Betts Sapunor

... helpers.

Bethany has experienced another loss among its church family. Dolores McMackin passed away this evening after spending a week in the hospital and rehab trying to recover from injuries associated with a fall. As recently as a couple of days ago, when church members visited her, she was in good spirits and had retained her sparkling (and wicked) sense of humor. Folks joked with her about her "unexpected vacation" away from household chores and urged her to take it easy. She agreed that she deserved the break ... but wished she hadn't had to break several ribs to earn it. Word about a memorial service will come soon ... in the meantime, please remember husband Howard, daughter Janna and son Donald (and their spouses and children) in your prayers.

On a related note ... Howard has been coming to church to make coffee nearly every Sunday morning, even while Dolores was home-bound or hospitalized. This couple, who celebrated their 68th anniversary on June 10, have truly been the backbone of Bethany's Fellowship Commission for the past two decades. When thinking of their efforts over the years to make Bethany's coffee hour and social events lovely and meaningful times for everybody, perhaps you'll agree that the apostle Paul's words to the fledgling Christian community in Colossae come to mind:

And whatever you do,
in word or deed,
do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through him.
— Colossians 3:17

This kind of dedication might be considered rare ... and yet, at Bethany, we have many who give generously of themselves on a regular basis to help enrich the lives of others. As Mister Rogers so famously said, in a message to children who might be upset or anxious or grief-stricken, "Look for the helpers." Just as we are secure in the knowledge that God will be with us ... to the end of the age ... we can take comfort in remembering that even in this small congregation, we do not lack the resources to take care of each other. Look for the helpers. Get inspired and be energized by them. Maybe even become one?

—Cathy Betts Sapunor

... honest talk about violence.

Summer should be a time of carefree fun ... a time of picnics and pools, families and friends. And, of course, this being an election year, also a time for expressing political views and sharing visions for the future. Sadly, this past weekend showed that our safety when gathering at public events is something we can no longer take for granted. Are we all now at risk simply by leaving our homes?

The truth, in fact, is that violent crime in the U.S. is actually on the decline. Has been for several years. So why do we feel so scared and vulnerable? Possibly because in this digital era, news travels so fast ... and bad news always grabs the biggest headlines. And also maybe because we fear what is out of our hands. We can wear seatbelts, for example, but we cannot control the inattentive driver in the next lane. We don't let this stop us from dashing to the store to pick up a carton of milk. Yet the odds of being in a traffic accident are greater than being a victim of violent crime (which California sources estimate is one victim per 20,000 persons).

Experts say our anxiety and worry probably stem from our perception that "crime is out there, waiting to get us." Will we ever get anything done, or go anywhere, if we constantly feel this way?

It's hard to believe that everything is going to be okay when the world feels like it's falling apart. Beyond taking the usual safety precautions (Don't park in unlit areas! Lock your car!) it seems there's not much else we can do. And that's when God comes into the picture, asking—no, expecting—us to trust him to watch over us. Moreover, he asks—no, demands—that we go further and step in (and speak up) to promote justice and peacemaking. Those are things we can do. And when we can do something, anything, we cease feeling like victims. It takes courage to stay engaged in the real world. Now is the time to remember that God's unsurpassed love and faith in us make that happen.

—Cathy Betts Sapunor

... responding in new ways.

The heat wave continues! Fortunately, temperatures are predicted to drop soon. In the meantime, we console ourselves with the sure knowledge that "this, too, shall pass." Believe it or not, this expression is not from scripture. But here's something appropriate that is:

All things are wearisome,
more than one can say.
The eye never has enough of seeing,
nor the ear its fill of hearing.
What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.
— Ecclesiastes 1: 8-9

While there may truly be nothing "new" under the sun, there is always something new possible within us ... something shaping and guiding us and causing us to respond in new new ways as God's people. Take, for example, the "cooling center" ministry. It was first organized by Jim Guida during the September 2022 heat crisis (when Sacramento's temperature reached the historical high of 116 degrees). Last week this outreach effort was reactivated by elder Susan Just, providing solace and (air conditioned) comfort to those in need. She and Mike Sutton, joined by other Bethany volunteers, served as hosts Monday-Friday ... and even sought out unhoused members of the public to come in to rest and replenish themselves. This project continues Monday-Tuesday this week.

Have you got an idea of how Bethany can be of service in our community? Has your life at Bethany brought about new ways of thinking, being and doing? Be sure to share these thoughts at the next "focus group" gathering after the worship service on Sunday, July 21.

—Cathy Betts Sapunor