... thin spaces.

At this past weekend's church retreat, we talked about "thin places" ... those spaces in our world where we feel close to God. Zephyr Point Presbyterian Conference Center is—for many—one such place. With beautiful Lake Tahoe as a setting, surrounded by ages-old granite boulders and immensely tall pine trees, Zephyr Point has captured the hearts and souls of thousands who have visited it since its start 100 years ago. We are truly grateful and fortunate to have such a treasure in our own backyard (well, a mere two-hour drive away).

Still, as we discussed at the retreat, there are places like this all around us; if not already in existence, then waiting for us to create for ourselves. Perhaps there's a park nearby, or a special route you take while walking your dog. Or a community garden or local nature preserve. Is there a corner in your backyard you can transform into a quiet spot for reading scripture? Or a chair in your living room that you could designate for simply sitting and contemplating? Sometimes just having a mutually understood signal among your household that "I am now entering a sacred space" is enough to steady yourself and focus; check out the fun story written in 1955 by Ruth Bell Graham for Guideposts magazine. Get out your apron!

It might seem that seeking out or creating a "thin space" ... and visiting it regularly ... is just adding more activity to our already busy lives. But putting God first, and letting other things fall into place can really work. That "first" thing is eloquently expressed in Melissa Jean's vocal rendition of Psalm 27: "One thing that I desire from the Lord: that one thing will I seek for. That I may dwell in His house, and inquire in His temple; and behold the beauty of the Lord."

The Lord's house, and its promises of joy, security, uncompromising answers and profound acceptance, can be found not just in church on Sunday morning but at any time and in any place. Look around and discover where you best hear and respond to God. And make that your own "thin place."

—Cathy Betts Sapunor