The heat wave continues! Fortunately, temperatures are predicted to drop soon. In the meantime, we console ourselves with the sure knowledge that "this, too, shall pass." Believe it or not, this expression is not from scripture. But here's something appropriate that is:
“All things are wearisome,
more than one can say.
The eye never has enough of seeing,
nor the ear its fill of hearing.
What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.”
While there may truly be nothing "new" under the sun, there is always something new possible within us ... something shaping and guiding us and causing us to respond in new new ways as God's people. Take, for example, the "cooling center" ministry. It was first organized by Jim Guida during the September 2022 heat crisis (when Sacramento's temperature reached the historical high of 116 degrees). Last week this outreach effort was reactivated by elder Susan Just, providing solace and (air conditioned) comfort to those in need. She and Mike Sutton, joined by other Bethany volunteers, served as hosts Monday-Friday ... and even sought out unhoused members of the public to come in to rest and replenish themselves. This project continues Monday-Tuesday this week.
Have you got an idea of how Bethany can be of service in our community? Has your life at Bethany brought about new ways of thinking, being and doing? Be sure to share these thoughts at the next "focus group" gathering after the worship service on Sunday, July 21.
—Cathy Betts Sapunor