Bethany has experienced another loss among its church family. Dolores McMackin passed away this evening after spending a week in the hospital and rehab trying to recover from injuries associated with a fall. As recently as a couple of days ago, when church members visited her, she was in good spirits and had retained her sparkling (and wicked) sense of humor. Folks joked with her about her "unexpected vacation" away from household chores and urged her to take it easy. She agreed that she deserved the break ... but wished she hadn't had to break several ribs to earn it. Word about a memorial service will come soon ... in the meantime, please remember husband Howard, daughter Janna and son Donald (and their spouses and children) in your prayers.
On a related note ... Howard has been coming to church to make coffee nearly every Sunday morning, even while Dolores was home-bound or hospitalized. This couple, who celebrated their 68th anniversary on June 10, have truly been the backbone of Bethany's Fellowship Commission for the past two decades. When thinking of their efforts over the years to make Bethany's coffee hour and social events lovely and meaningful times for everybody, perhaps you'll agree that the apostle Paul's words to the fledgling Christian community in Colossae come to mind:
“And whatever you do,
in word or deed,
do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
This kind of dedication might be considered rare ... and yet, at Bethany, we have many who give generously of themselves on a regular basis to help enrich the lives of others. As Mister Rogers so famously said, in a message to children who might be upset or anxious or grief-stricken, "Look for the helpers." Just as we are secure in the knowledge that God will be with us ... to the end of the age ... we can take comfort in remembering that even in this small congregation, we do not lack the resources to take care of each other. Look for the helpers. Get inspired and be energized by them. Maybe even become one?
—Cathy Betts Sapunor