Administrative Commission Update • April 7, 2024

Rev. Rick Hull, Chair of the Presbytery Administrative Commission, introduced members of the AC to the Bethany congregation during the April 7 worship service. He then went on to tell of the AC’s work.


The AC includes Barbara Greene (Bethany Ruling Elder), Rev. Rick Hull (Teaching Elder, honorably retired; chair), Deb Kanner (Faith Presbyterian Church Ruling Elder), Rev. Jason Ku (Teaching Elder, honorably retired), and Aaron Truong (Grace Presbyterian Church Ruling Elder). 

Dear friends, this morning we would like to introduce ourselves by answering four current questions.
We are an Administrative Commission of the Presbytery of North Central California. Presbyterian churches are “connectional.” Local churches are branches of the larger ministry of Presbyterians in a given area. And that means that when any of our churches face serious challenges or difficulties, it affects all of us—and we address it together. In other words,  you are not alone in ministry or in church life.

The leadership of  Presbyterian ministry is vested in elders. The oversight role of your elders is an extension of the supportive guidance of the Presbytery. When there are specific local needs, the Presbytery will often call on the larger church to stand together in addressing those needs. That’s what we hope to do as elder colleagues and partners in ministry.\

Let me clarify something that might cause confusion. We are functioning with what is called “Original Jurisdiction.” The AC for a time will be the decision-making body at Bethany. This absolutely does not mean that your Session is removed … but rather that we are working in partnership with your installed officers who are your Elder Shepherds. We have already met together once. And it was an excellent meeting.

The situations that we will address  include: resolving some challenges that Bethany is facing right now—and affirming visions for the future of the fellowship and its mission. There are four key concerns at the top of the list.

  1. Addressing Ministry Decline: Bethany is an aging congregation—shrinking in numbers—with reduced energy to support its current ministry. There is a question of ministry sustainability. At the same time there is deep desire in many hearts that the fellowship should continue.

  2. Addressing Systems Issues: There is a need to re-invigorate, equip and streamline some of the leadership structures that are overworked. And to repair some systems that are burning out the faithful workers of the congregation. This will include a re-thinking of leadership roles, structures, and accountabilities.

  3. Addressing Material Challenges: With budget deficits in six figures, Bethany is challenged to be able to provide the financial support  that can sustain its ministries. Bethany is experiencing confusion and lack of transparency about its financial resource base. And—in partnership with your elders—we want to fix that.

  4. Addressing Property and Contractual Issues: These include relationships with sister ministries and Christian services that are housed on the property, as well as the maintaining of a large and expensive campus.


  • Pray for the harmony, the creativity, and the divine guidance that your serving elders and the Administrative Commission will need to stand with  and support this Historic and Beloved Fellowship.

  • Sharing. If you have hopes and dreams for the future of the Presbyterian ministry in this part of Sacramento, share your thoughts. Pastor Jesse has already published the Presbytery e-mail address for communication. Feel free to use it. And speak to one of your Serving Elders and share your heart. We are all in this together.

  • Patience. We are asked, “how long will this take?” We do not know.  A previous AC served for 2 ½ years. We will draw on their counsel, and dig in quickly with your Elder Shepherds. A long process would not be healthy or encouraging for any of us! Please be patient. Good things often take a little time to develop. And when the frustration rises—or you feel tempted to just get angry with the circumstance sthat have brought you to this place—please be patient with yourselves, too. And most of all, offer grace and encouragement to the Bethany leadership and to the faithful workers who are continuing to give  it their best!

Does Bethany have a future? … or are you  just on the way to closing everything down? Here’s the best answer we can offer right now: We don’t know.

None of us know what that future looks like right now, and only our shared prayers, and partnership, and efforts, and commitment to our Lord will reveal it in the end.

So as we begin our work together, your Administrative Commission enters the work with the encouraging words of Martin Luther: “I do not know what the future holds. But I know WHO holds the future.”

And, we’ll begin … in good Presbyterian fashion … by drinking coffee together after worship today. See you there.