Rev. Janice Kamikawa led today’s service, joined by Vickie Owens as liturgist. Lighting the second Advent candle—the candle of peace—were Manh Ong and Nga Chau.
Scripture readings included Matthew 2:1-21 and selections from the book of Isaiah.
Hymns, accompanied by Natalya Guerrero (piano), Sherry McHurd Hanson (viola) and Manh Ong (guitar) included:
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
People, Look East
Come! Live in the Light!
Soon and Very Soon
Rev. Janice’s message was entitled “Movements of Light and Peace.” At its close she asked the congregation to think about their responses to some important questions (below).
“During this Advent season,
may you find time to reflect on these questions.”
What is God calling you to do as ministers of reconciliation of peace …
whether it is from a place of deep gladness, meeting the world’s deep hunger (Frederick Buechner)
or from a place of grief and pain, meeting the world’s deep hunger (paraphrase from Christian Century article by Deanna A. Thompson)
In what ways can we be ministers of reconciliation of peace …
in our communities
our families
in our personal relationships
and also our church, especially as we move forward as a church community
What are the breaches, divisions or wide divides, either currently or in the past, that are still in need of healing and restoration?
And finally …
What attitudes do we need to alter or change so we too may see and value all people the way Jesus does?
I pray:
This season of Advent may be a blessing to you
knowing the peace of Jesus Christ
has been given to you
May the light, peace and hope of Christ
shine brightly before you.