From the Pastor

Friends in Faith:

This coming Sunday, June 11, we'll gather for worship, focusing on Luke 15 … which features Jesus sharing three parables about God seeking out those who are lost. All people matter to God, regardless of our background or what we have done or left undone. Jesus teaches us that God is particularly passionate about finding those who are lost.  Immediately following worship, we will be assembling care packages for Bethany members who are no longer able to physically attend worship with us on Sunday mornings. We'll have cards to sign, and then, if you are able, you are invited to take a care package and deliver it to one of our shut-ins (you'll be provided with a name and address).  

We'll be focusing on the activities of the Holy Spirit from the book of Acts—Acts 2:1-13 and 4:32-35.

As always, you are encouraged to bring a friend or neighbor to worship—and if you haven't been in a while, we'll be happy to see you! 

Natalya begins playing gathering music at 10:20 a.m. You can also join virtually here: Facebook Live. More details about worship can be found here.

We were so happy to have the Bethany choir singing "Spirit of the Living God, Fall Afresh on Me" for Pentecost! And below, you can get a view of what I see when I preach every week! It's fun to see all the smiling faces and red outfits. We'll try to find another day soon to get dressed up—maybe in our red, white and blue for Independence Day!  

  • The Presbyterian Women are meeting this Thursday, June 8 from 10-11:30 a.m. for the eighth and final session of the Bethany Presbyterian Women’s bible study series. A salad lunch will be served afterwards.

    This coming Sunday, June 11, after worship, we'll be gathering in the Social Hall for fellowship but to also pack care packages for those Bethany folks who can no longer attend worship in person. 

  • The following Sunday, June 18, will be "Recognition Sunday"—we'll be celebrating the many wonderful ways that our members and friends help Bethany in its many missions! 

  • All are invited to join us for the second and final book discussion of "Love Wins" by Rob Bell on Monday, June 19th at 10 a.m. A free lunch will be served after our discussion.  

  • On Sunday, June 25, Natalya will be away but we are lining up a drummer to offer some special music for worship. We'll keep you posted!

  • On Thursday, July 13, from 4 p.m - 6 p.m., the SSIP Food Closet will be hosting its "Full Plates, Full Hearts" fundraiser. The event will features a silent auction and an ice cream/waffle bar from Gunthers! If you have an item you'd like to donate to the auction—a quilt, a piece of art, a gift set, etc.—please let myself or Jackie Sneed know. Hope you can attend! DETAILS ARE HERE.

  • The annual spiritual retreat at Zephyr Point has been scheduled - August 11-13.  Here is a link with more info.  Be sure to register now!

  • As Office Manager Maria Mar adjusts to her new role as the treasurer for the Presbytery of North Central California, she'll be available at Bethany only through appointment. She has too many new duties and meetings to manage to maintain regular office hours. But rest assured, she (and I) are always an e-mail or a phone call away. 

Bethany and other Sacramento-area churches received an urgent request concerning immigrants that have been flown to Sacramento and were dropped off at the Catholic Diosese office. You can learn more about SacACT and this situation here. Below is a statement Sacramento ACT issued concerning the new immigrants arriving to Sacramento:

Local leaders, state leaders, and the faith community have embraced our brothers and sisters. We are working hard to coordinate the support they need. It has been beautiful to see the response from the Sacramento and California community working together to help the group feel safe and welcome. We will continue to collaborate so that they are treated with dignity and respect.

What is the current situation?

  • A group of 16 adult migrants from Venezuela and Colombia arrived in Sacramento around noon on Friday, June 3, after traveling from Texas with individuals representing themselves.

  • The migrants were processed as they entered the Texas border and have pending court appearances. They have submitted to the legal processes available to them.

  • A second group of 20 migrants has arrived today, Monday June 5. All adults, no children. Sacramento ACT is working on intake in coordination with state and local agencies. At this time we have no further information to disclose.

    How was this operation financed?

  • The California Department of Justice is investigating the circumstances surrounding his arrival. We cannot discuss any details of that investigation, and we are focusing our efforts on organizing community support for current migrant news.

  • Florida has people of faith and spirit who are also trying to do right by their neighbors. Just like Texas. It's not about state vs. state, it's about the moral approach of people in need. Spiritual obligations are not partisan.

    What next for the migrants?

  • The length of this stay in Sacramento is currently uncertain. They will receive legal assistance to help them decide the best steps for them to take, whether it is traveling to a different location or staying in the area. As they make their decisions, we [ACT] are committed to finding the support they will need in any case.

A few years ago, Bethany volunteered to adopt two immigrant families from Afghanistan. Kathy and Andy Kingsbury who were able to visit one of the families, which recently welcomed a new daughter. Both families are financially stable and their children are thriving. How wonderful that these families are doing so well in their new environment here in Sacramento! Thanks to all who continue to support this mission and hold these families in your prayers.


Calling all youth! Rev. Jeanie Shaw is offering a special Alaskan mission trip for a diverse cultural experience and a chance for youth to grow in faith and leadership. Youth must be willing to step out of their comfort zones and actively engage in our three camps: Science Camp, Basketball Camp and Dance Camp. We are honored to be invited and attend exciting cultural events on the island. This year is our 11th year of partnership with Metlakatla Presbyterian Church. The participant cost is $ 800 which DOES NOT include airfare. The cost includes food, lodging at the church, ground and ferry transportation, and adventures. Food at the airport and souvenirs are not included. A non-refundable deposit of $500 reserves your place on the team; space is extremely limited. Remainder of trip payment is due by June 1, 2023. Please contact Nancy Disher of the Northern Central California Presbytery (NCCP) if you are interested before making your flight reservations at
(916) 792-7725 or

As a church family, we are a community that is committed to caring for one another. One of the ways that we can support one another, loved ones and strangers, near and far, is to offer our prayers on their behalf. We share our prayers because we care for one another, and we know that God listens and cares for all of God's children. If you have a joy or concern to share, please let me know; and if it is a confidential matter, please be sure to let them know. And don't forget that we have a prayer team who is committed to praying for any and all prayer concerns that come forward. You can reach out to Barbara Greene with your prayer concerns and she'll share them with the prayer team. 

Hear our prayers, O Lord!

 Peace to all.