From the Pastor

Friends in Faith—

This coming Sunday, May 14, I will be away; thankfully, Jim Guida has graciously offered to lead worship. We are so very blessed at Bethany with so many talented folks who lead worship through preaching, music and prayer. All are welcome to gather for worship, to center yourselves around God's word, to sing songs and share prayers, and to fill your soul for the coming weeks.

As always, you are encouraged to bring a friend or neighbor to worship—and if you haven't been in a while, we'll be happy to see you! There will be a special Mother's Day reception immediately following our service—join us for this lovely time of fellowship.  

Natalya begins playing gathering music at 10:20 a.m. You can also join virtually here: Facebook Live. More details about worship can be found here.

  • Please note that Cathy Sapunor will be away from her usual “soundboard and overhead projection” tasks for the next few Sundays. If you are willing to help cover some of her duties while she's away, we'd appreciate it. If not, we may go "old-school" and just use bulletins. But—with the Spirit of God blowing—we'll do just fine!   

  • Our Presbyterian Women's Bible study will be meeting Thursday (May 11.) All are welcome. You can learn more about participating in this group here.

  • On Monday, May 15, at 10 a.m., we'll be watching a Netflix film called "Come Sunday." After the movie, we'll have an informal discussion and then enjoy a yummy free lunch together! This is sponsored by the Spiritual Formation Commission, of which Jackie Sneed is chair.

  • The River City Chorale is offering a concert on May 20 & May 21. Bethany has a handful of members who participate in this wonderful choir. Click here for more information and to purchase your tickets. 

  • SAVE THE DATE! Bethany’s annual friends and family spiritual retreat at Zephyr Point has been scheduled: August 11-13. Click here for details.

  • As Office Manager Maria Mar adjusts to her new role as the treasurer for the Presbytery of North Central California, she'll be available at Bethany only through appointment. She simply has too many new duties and meetings to manage to maintain regular office hours. But rest assured, she (and I) are always an e-mail or a phone call away. 

A SPECIAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING has been called for Sunday, May 21 immediately following worship. All members are invited to attend, and we'll be voting on two motions being brought forward to our congregation as recommended by our Session:

1. A motion to change the terms of call of Bethany's pastor from full-time to part-time as of January 1, 2024.  

2. A motion to authorize the Bethany Presbyterian Church Session to enter into formal negotiations to merge with Faith Presbyterian Church of Sacramento (PCUSA) and bring recommendations back to the congregation for review & action. Negotiations will include the possible divesting of property and assets.

Please note that only official members of Bethany Presbyterian Church are allowed vote on these motions (as well as to be given voice on the floor). Only in-person voting is permitted (this meeting will not be offered virtually). Session and Pastor Jesse will be available to speak to these two motions and to speak to any questions that are raised concerning these two motions. 

After the meeting has concluded, we'll then have a time for informal discussion concerning Bethany's future options, session's processes, etc.   


The North Central California Presbytery (NCCP) met this past Saturday. As always, there's a lot happening. We have said goodbye to our transitional Executive Presbyter, Rev. Dr. Mary Westfall. She has been a gifted pastor and agent of change for us during a very turbulent period. She has blessed us in so many ways and we wish her the best as she begins her new call as an Executive Presbyter in New Jersey. 

For the next four months, the Rev. Wes Nordman—who has just retired from many years as the pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church in downtown Sacramento—will serve as our "bridge" Executive Presbyter (for 20 hours a week). A committee is being assembled to call our next Executive Presbyter. If you would like to serve on the Executive Presbyter Search Committee (or any other Presbytery committee), please let me know! 

A sobering statistic just came across my desk: out of the 40 churches in our Presbytery, 22 are currently without pastors! Our churches are struggling, as is our Presbytery, with finding volunteers for our many committees, for managing churches in need of leadership, of determining how to use various funds entrusted to our care, and what we should do with churches that are now vacant. We certainly ask your prayers as it is a difficult time. But, again, if you feel called to serve on a Presbytery committee, please let me know. 

Nancy Disher has been hired as a "regional project organizer" by the Presbytery; she hopes to connect our congregation in various mission endeavors. Perhaps you would like to join her for a mission trip or you are eager to know more about the Matthew 25 effort of the PCUSA. She has many resources to share.  First, check out the Presbytery's website for more info. 

You are encouraged to register for the Part 1 of the Matthew 25 Workshop “Eradicating Systemic Poverty” first in a 3-part series in 2023) offered on Tuesday, May 23, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. This is offered by NCCP and nationally by our PCUSA staff and the Presbyterian Hunger Program.
Please reach out to Presbytery liaison Nancy Disher if you have any questions: Nancy Disher, Regional Project Organizer, North Central California Presbytery (916) 792-7725

Cash for Guns” is an event to help take guns off our streets in our Sacramento and surrounding communities … while also serving as an opportunity for us, as Christians, to meet and serve our neighbors. We can use your help.

There is a pre-event meeting at Saturday, May 20, starting 8:30 a.m. at the Sacramento Public Safety Center conference room, 5770 Freeport Blvd. (north end), complete with donuts and coffee. Volunteers will be needed until 3 p.m. Wear sunscreen, a hat, and comfortable shoes. Bring a water bottle and additional snacks for yourself if desired.

If you want to be “part of the solution” you can VOLUNTEER OR MAKE A DONATION. Please reach out to Nancy Disher for more info; (916) 792-7725.
Donation checks can be made out to:
Sacramento Police Foundation
Attn: Lt. Brent Kaneyuki
Memo: Cash for Guns Event May 20, 2023
and mailed to:
Sacramento Police Foundation
Attn: Lt. Brent Kaneyuki
5770 Freeport Blvd. #200
Sacramento, CA 95822 

As a church family, we are a community that is committed to caring for one another. One of the ways that we can support one another, loved ones and strangers, near and far, is to offer our prayers on their behalf. We share our prayers because we care for one another, and we know that God listens and cares for all of God's children. If you have a joy or concern to share, please let Maria or Jesse know; and if it is a confidential matter, please be sure to let them know. And don't forget that we have a prayer team who is committed to praying for any and all prayer concerns that come forward. You can reach out to Barbara Greene with your prayer concerns and she'll share them with the prayer team. 

Hear our prayers, O Lord!

 Peace to all.