From the Pastor

Friends in Faith—

This Sunday, April 9, is Easter! It is one of our happiest days of the year, and a day full of hope! We look forward to gathering as a church family for worship followed by a light luncheon immediately afterwards. Our text will be from Mark 16:1-8 concerning the discovery of the empty tomb and Christ's resurrection. Even though the world often seems bleak and stressful, as resurrection people, we are to proclaim the good all around us—all of those opportunities for rebirth and love! 

As always, you are encouraged to bring a friend or neighbor to worship—and if you haven't been in a while, we'll be happy to see you!    

Natalya begins playing gathering music at 10:20 a.m. We know the weather may be unpredictable, so you can also join virtually here: Facebook Live. More details about worship can be found here.

On the following Sunday, April 16, we'll be celebrating "Holy Humor Sunday." Many American churches are resurrecting an old Easter custom begun by the early Greek Christians: "Holy Humor Sunday" celebrations on the Sunday after Easter. For centuries, in various Christian faith traditions, the week following Easter Sunday was observed by the faithful as "days of joy and laughter" with parties to celebrate Jesus' resurrection. For worship, you are encouraged to dress informally—and maybe even don a wild outfit or a ridiculous hat. Also, if you have a short joke to share, we'll have time in our service. Let's enjoy a time of celebration and laughter and try something new!  

  • Jesse and Maria will both be away on vacation next week (4/10-4/14). The office will be closed for the entire week. If you have an emergency, please reach out to a member of Session: Ron Carlsen, Juli Jensen, Candace Keefauver, Debbie Leibrock, Grace Ogata, Cathy Sapunor or Jackie Sneed. Maria's office hours for April are as follows:

    • Monday  10 a.m.-2 p.m.

    • Tuesday-Thursday — closed

    • Friday  10 a.m.-2 p.m.

      If you have business at Bethany, it's wisest to reach out via e-mail; please be patient as we get back to you in due time. 

  • On Earth Day, Saturday, April 22, we'll be having a nature walk at Cosumnes River Preserve at 8:30 a.m. Mark your calendars!  

  • All are invited to take a tour with Howard McMackin at the California Railroad Museum on Tuesday morning, April 25th at 10 a.m. Afterwards, we'll all have lunch together in Old Sac!  

  • SAVE THE DATE! Bethany’s annual friends and family spiritual retreat at Zephyr Point has been scheduled: August 11-13.  Stay tuned for more details! 

  • Adult Spiritual Formation will be offering more Monday gatherings/lunches concerning the Holy Spirit and Pentecost. Each starts at 10 a.m. in the Social Hall.
    4/17 - We'll be watching a series called "AD: The Spirit Arrives"
    5/1 - We'll be watching a Netflix film called "Come Sunday"
    5/15 - We'll be watching "The Apostle" — a film starring Robert Duvall   

Our Monday Spiritual Formation group always has a great time together!  The photo above is of our recent viewing of "Jesus Christ Superstar." We always enjoy a time of discussion after each film we watch.

It has been so wonderful to hear the many musical gifts of our congregation! The photo above is from our Palm Sunday service when we welcomed the Bethany Women's Choir to sing their anthem. Many thanks to everyone who continues to share of your gifts each week in so many different ways: musical gifts, helping with coffee hour, cleaning up the grounds, handling repairs throughout the building, chairing commissions, monitoring our finances, supporting staff, etc. As always, if you'd like to volunteer, please reach out to me or Maria. Thanks!  

Bethany's campus continues to be a hub of activity throughout the week! Once a month (on the 4th Monday), the SSIP Food Closet distributes senior nutrition food boxes from our parking lot—and it gets really busy! SSIP continues to feed hundreds each day. Altar of Truth worships in our Fellowship Hall on Saturdays and is growing. Another church, "All Nations Church,” is meeting on Sunday afternoons in the former SCLC building (the annex). Grace Presbyterian Church now offers a monthly English worship service in our Fellowship Hall as well as at least a few meals each month during their coffee hour. At the same time, we only have custodial services for about 6 hours a week, and Maria is now only in the office for a handful of hours each week—so there are times when things aren't as clean and organized as we wish they would be. As always, try to leave the space cleaner than you found it and be gracious to one another in the midst of so many transitions!

A typical “fourth Monday” senior food distribution in the church parking lot.


Presbytery’s "Transitional Executive Presbyter" Rev. Dr. Mary Westfall will be leaving in May. She's done such incredible work for our Presbytery. We will wish her the very best in her next call and are also eager to find a new Executive Presbyter to continue in all of the important work our Presbytery is involved in. 

On May 1-3, Zephyr Point will be hosting the annual "Justice Conference." See Mission & Social Action Chair Cathy Sapunor or Rev. Jesse if you are interested in attending. Here are details about this year’s program.

June 25-30, Zephyr Point will be also hosting a special camp for LGBT youth.  

Check out the Presbytery's website for more info.  

As a church family, we are a community that is committed to caring for one another. One of the ways that we can support one another, loved ones and strangers, near and far, is to offer our prayers on their behalf. We share our prayers because we care for one another, and we know that God listens and cares for all of God's children. If you have a joy or concern to share, please let Maria or Jesse know; and if it is a confidential matter, please be sure to let them know. And don't forget that we have a prayer team who is committed to praying for any and all prayer concerns that come forward. You can reach out to Barbara Greene with your prayer concerns and she'll share them with the prayer team. 

Hear our prayers, O Lord!

 Peace to all.