Understanding Who We Are as Presbyterians


The gentleman pictured above (with the awesome hat) is John Calvin — a forefather of our Presbyterian faith. We'll be celebrating Reformation Sunday on October 30 (complete with a bagpiper and KC Shane!), but this Sunday we'll be learning about why we do what we do in worship. "Education Sunday" is an opportunity for us to learn more about Presbyterian worship, scripture, theology, and our unique voice in the grand myriad of Christian beliefs. It's always important for us to understand who we are, where we come from and how we got to this place as we discern where God is leading us to next! Our text is from Mark 4:1-20 — the Parable of the Sower.

Then at 4 p.m., we'll be hosting our annual "Blessing of the Pets" in our parking lot. As our theology has expanded, we feel that it's important to celebrate all of God's grand creation, including pets! Come by to participate in this fun, informal time with our furry family members.

Sunday, October 30, is "Reformation Sunday." We'll be celebrating our faith tradition which is one of many unique voices in the grand myriad of Christian traditions. We are excited to be welcoming both a bagpiper—an homage to our Scottish roots—as well as KC Shane, a guitarist who offers beautiful contemporary Christian songs.

Tonight is the Zoom discussion for Chapter 8 of Sailboat Church. Click here for log-in details. Then, after worship on Sunday, October 30, we'll have our discussion of Chapter 9. All are welcome. If you need assistance or if there is a problem with this link, reach out to Jackie Sneed.


The Trunk or Treat Halloween Extravaganza is at 3 p.m. October 30, and it's gonna be a blast! There will be games, food, music, hulu-hooping, drumming, and even a bouncy house! Invite your family and friends. It's all free! Our elder for evangelism, Candace Keefauver, has been busy planning this event and can use a lot of help— be sure to decorate the trunk of your car and don't forget to wear a costume. Bring a bag of candy to donate. We'll also need help with set-up and tear-down when the event is over. Several of us plan to stay all afternoon this Sunday to get everything set up.

Monday, October 31 is our volunteer day at the SSIP Food Closet. We'll spend the better part of the morning filling bags with foods for the many clients of this special ministry. If you are interested in joining the team, we'd love to have you—please reach out to Cathy Sapunor for more details.`

We have two memorial services coming up for two beloved members—Donna Roberts and Gail Powell. Donna's service will be on Sunday, November 6 at 3:30 p.m. and Gail's will be on Saturday, November 19 at 3:30 p.m. We no longer have deacons or a fellowship commission, so if you are able to volunteer and serve as a greeter for one or both of these services, that would be great.

We lift our many prayers to our Lord, trusting that God hears our prayers and stands by us through good times and bad. John 14:27 declares, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."
