A Time for Healing

Friends in Faith,

All are invited to our ”Healing Service" this coming Sunday, October 10, at 10:30 a.m. Each of us faces those challenging times when we carry with us many burdens—health issues, financial worries, broken relationships. This Sunday we'll be taking some time to lay our burdens down before the cross and renew our spirits. Please join us! 

Our monthly "What's Happening" Zoom is today—Wednesday, October 6—at 11 a.m. We spend an hour just chatting and getting caught up with one another. Details are here..Join us!

Zephyr Point Presbyterian Conference Center has announced that the fall "Sprucing Up in the Pines" volunteer work weekend is going to happen Oct. 22-24(Friday night through Sunday morning). The deadline to register is this coming Friday—October 8. Registrations are being handled directly by the ZP website through this link. The cost of $85.75/person (adult) covers your meals (Friday dinner through Sunday breakfast) and accommodations in a cabin. If you choose, you can alternately pay $15/person and prepare your own meals. Bethany has a fund we can tap to help cover costs for anyone who might otherwise not be able to attend; contact me if this applies to you. There will be tasks for folks of all ages and interests. So far, six Bethany-related people have registered. Perhaps you want to join in, too!

All are welcome to join our book study of Madeleine L'Engle's "A Wrinkle in Time"on Monday, October 4 and Monday, October 11, from 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m. We'll be meeting in-person, but there will also be a Zoom option, too. Here are the details.

We are looking for liturgists and ushers for worship. Would this be something you'd like to do? E-mail me!

We are once again collecting canned goods/dry goods during worship. Please bring in your donations on the first Sunday of each month—Communion Sunday. Your donations will be given to the good work of the SSIP Food Closet.

On Wednesday, November 10, there will be a "Lunch and Learn" event. We'll be making Advent wreaths together and then enjoying a delicious meal. Click on the above for information.

A Prayer for Healing
God of grace and mercy, be present with us as we face an unknown future and as we walk paths untrodden. In the ever-changing and uncertain world where we find ourselves, help us to know and be assured that you are sovereign, that you are all-knowing, all-powerful and ever-present. We know you are a good God who holds us in our anxiety and distress and who has a plan for our future. We offer before you are many burdens—our fears, our weaknesses, our illness, our brokenness. Give us the strength to take one step at a time, and to seek support from those we love and trust. We ask for your presence, your healing, and your peace. Calm our hearts and minds and give us hope in you. We pray in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Blessings, Jesse