Where to Begin?

Friends in Faith—

We are living in an era with no shortage of crucial issues to address; we have big questions to answer as individuals, as a community of faith, and as a nation.

  • How do I pay my bills and make a secure life for my family? 

  • How do we discern what God has planned next for Bethany? 

  • How do we heal the divisions in our nation? 


It can be a challenge knowing where to begin. 

Our text for this coming Sunday's worship is from Mark 1:29-34. As we unpack this story, you’ll see why I believe it offers us a good starting point for beginning to tackle these many pressing endeavors of our lives. 

We hope you'll join us for our Facebook Live service this Sunday at 10:20 a.m. Our Zoom worship service then begins shortly thereafter - usually around 11:10 a.m. 

The links for these worship services (as well as for our Tuesday Zoom Bible studies [at 11 a.m.] and our Wednesday Zoom Check-ins [also at 11 a.m.]) can all be found here. All you have to do is click the picture of your choice and you'll be on your way! 

Normally, our Zoom service is more informal—we like to discuss a faith question or two, and then spend time in prayer. This Sunday's question is, "How have you sought and found healing in your life?"  

I know we were all relieved to experience President Biden's inauguration without any incidents of violence.  The inauguration featured several beautiful prayers, songs, and speeches. Many people, myself included, were in absolute awe of the incredible poem shared by National Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman (who's all of 23 years old!). If you haven't had the chance to hear this poem of faith, struggle, hope, and healing, please check out here. It’s just as powerful the second time around as well! 

Ms. Gorman sure says it better than I ever could!  

Thanks be to God for the many gifts that are bestowed upon us and for the hope of a healing for ourselves, our nation, and our world,  
