We Need Always to Have a Song to Sing

Greetings, Friends—

I hope this message finds you all well—or at least managing to keep your heads above water—in the midst of these strange days of the COVID-19 pandemic. I'm happy to report that I had a lovely vacation back east with friends and family. I'm reminded of just how important it is to step away from our work and the intensity of our day-to-day routines for rest, recreation, and to gain some fresh perspectives.

One of the big struggles we are all frustrated by is that there seems to be no "light at the end of the tunnel" for this virus. We are all hoping and praying for a vaccine, but it is most likely still months away. So we take it one day at a time, seeking our the joy and hope in each day.  

I'm a big music fan; I listen to music every day as it just makes me feel better. I am reminded of the many songs sung in the Bible. Miriam sang a song when the Israelites were delivered from their captivity in Egypt. Similarly, Deborah sang a song about the Israelites' defeat of the Canaanites. In thanksgiving for her son, Hannah praised God with a song in 1 Samuel. King David sang many songs, and most of the Psalms were originally composed as songs. Some of the Psalms praise God for God's protection, power, or goodness, and other songs are full of sadness and heartache and call out for God's aid. It seems that there is always a song to sing for any part of the human condition and experience. I'm sure that there are many artists out there writing songs about this pandemic!  

So it is in this spirit that we have decided to host a concert this Sunday, July 26, at 6 p.m. in Bethany's backyard. We will be welcoming the band Tropicali Flames, which plays "screamin' and singin' rhythm and blues.” The music is fun and very danceable, should the Spirit compel you to do so! The bandleader is acclaimed bassist Zack Sapunor, whose family attends Bethany.. Zack toured Europe with the Wayne Hancock band, traveled the U.S. with Boulevard Park, and spent a couple of seasons in Austin with the famed Jim Cullum Band and Riverwalk Jazz.

Please bring your lawn chair or a blanket, beverages, snacks, and let's spend the evening together (socially distanced, of course) dancing our blues away! You are also encouraged to invite friends! As always, don't forget your mask as we want to ensure a safe "gathering" for everyone.  The concert will end by 7 p.m. 

Facebook users, click here to learn more about the Tropicali Flames.

Bethany’s Music Director Dr. May Tucker has also graciously shared some YouTube videos featuring her playing some familiar hymns for you to sing along to while your self-quarantines continue at home. The songs are beautiful and they will lift your spirits. You can find them on our website here.
