We extend thanks to Rev. Elias Burgos for serving as yesterday’s guest pastor. He delivered a very inspiring sermon entitled “Revelation in Darkness.” Jackie Sneed served as liturgist and musicians included Cathy Sapunor and Manh Ong.
The “Monday Group” will not meet today in honor of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. Let’s devote ourselves to living out his legacy of peace and justice!
This is traditionally the time of year we are encouraged to think about our giving to the church. Debbie Leibrock recently announced the start of our annual stewardship campaign. If you did not receive your invitation to pledge to the 2025 work of Bethany, please call the church office.
PLEASE PRAY FOR members and friends of our extended Bethany family, as well as those of our community, who are experiencing health and financial challenges, loss, loneliness, anxiety and depression. We pray for guidance as we continue to focus on plans for Bethany's future. Please pray for the leaders of all nations, that they may choose peaceful resolutions to conflict. We ask special prayers for the ceasefire in Gaza.