Join us in thanking Jim Guida, who led yesterday's worship service, and to Vickie Owens for serving as liturgist. Musicians included Barbara Greene and Sherry McHurd Hanson. Jim delivered a sousing sermon entitled “E Pluribus Unum” which reminded everyone about the call to Christians everywhere to unite against discrimination and hatred.
This coming Sunday, we will welcome Rev. Jack McNary back to the pulpit. Jack will return on Sunday, November 24.
The Food Closet can use extra hands for the annual Thanksgiving grocery distribution Monday, Nov. 25-Wednesday, Nov. 27. Can you help? If so, please contact Cathy Sapunor ASAP.
PLEASE PRAY FOR members and friends of our extended Bethany family, as well as those of our community, who are experiencing health and financial challenges, loss, loneliness, anxiety and depression. We pray for guidance as we continue to focus on plans for Bethany's future. Please pray for the leaders of all nations, that they may choose peaceful resolutions to conflict.