SSIP Food Closet congregations are partnering this year on February 11, “Super Bowl Sunday”—also known as the national “Souper Bowl of Caring”—to raise awareness, dollars and non-perishable groceries. There are many ways for you to get involved!

Sunday • February 11, 2024

What has a bigger impact than a trio of 300-pound linebackers bearing down on a quarterback? You! 

Your impact changes lives when you huddle up your congregation to participate in this year’s Souper Bowl of Caring and lead them to victory.

Now, more than ever, our community needs your help.
The number of families struggling to put good food on their tables continues to grow.
On Super Bowl Sunday, do something besides just watching the big game.
Get IN the game of helping the South Sacramento Interfaith Partnership Food Closet!

Try some of these activities to boost awareness and support of the SSIP Food Closet among your congregation.